20 weeks, and I still can't tell...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
NorCal, CA
We have been having 112 degree heat, so I am not expecting eggs until it cools down a bit.... but, none are crowing, either... and they are growing at different rates, so I am sooo confused. There are a couple that Bwak really loudly when they first get let out... but, other than that, they aren't crowing at all...

Here are the Golden Buffs:

Angel ~ She's getting super red, and her body looks like the ones who are supposed to be hens, but within the last 2 weeks, her waddles are getting sooo big, and so is her comb! So, now I am worried!

Here she is with Clementine, the other Golden Buff... they are developing so differently!

Here's more of homely little Clementine:

She's my favorite, but she is the one I am most concerned with, seeing her tail curve down, and noticing the difference between "spurs" on the feet... But, she is the underdog... very gentle, and follows me around like a puppy. Let's you pick her up like a baby. So sweet... She is a lot skinnier than Angel...



Then, we have Black Beauty. She's skinnier than our other Austrolorpe, so that concerns me... that, and the long tail. She also tends to squawk a lot... (She's my 2nd favorite... so, I am hoping that I am not keen on the boys, haha.)



Here's Large Marge, the other Austrolorpe. She's shy, and quiet.

Mrs. Lovette... pretty sure this is a girl? She is LOUD and obnoxious... "talks" a lot, but a sweetie:
all look like girls too me as well... remember some hens in their early age they can have some long curved tail feathers... i know my buff Orpington pullets did then they molted and are more hen like now

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