2009/2010 Seed Train. Swap Flowers, Veggies, Herbs

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i keep wanting the herbs, but i figured people were tired of seeing my pumkin seeds.. lol.. you know that envelope i sent you?? i still have about 3x that many... from 1 pumkin... it was awsome... but i love pumkin and would plant the whole acre in it if the darn peacocks would leave it alone... lol...

has anyone ever offered horeradish roots?? i would ssoo jump on that.. i've bought it from the grocery store and grown it before.. but i lost it in the last move... my grandparents in idaho grow it.. my grandpa would grind it up and grandma would can it with a little vinegar.. omg.. LOVE IT
grandpa's not around anymore, but it's still grandpa's plant no matter where it comes from and who started growing it..
i would jump on asaragus too....

just out of curiosity, i'd have to go back through my mails to see who it was, but i was sposed to be getting iris seeds, and some kind of purple beans.. or purple flowered bean vine

have those been sent out?? i haven't gotten them yet, and i know my post office is um... i think they all ride the short bus to school... sorry that's mean.. my kids ride the short bus too.. lol..


*puts train back on track*
I have more seeds to add, I just have to do it later today. I have been sooo busy cleaning everyone elses house for the holidays I haven't had time to breath. I will return with a bigger list later today. TTFN.
you know that envelope i sent you?? i still have about 3x that many... from 1 pumkin... it was awsome... but i love pumkin and would plant the whole acre in it if the darn peacocks would leave it alone


I have a small suburban lot. I am trying to figure out more ways to grow things vertically. Don't think that will work with the pumpkins and all the butternut squash seeds I have. I am over run...not that I am complaining. I am pretty mutch resigned to turning the front yard in to a pumpkin patch. Oh well, less to mow

Ok....this is my final offer....

Organic daikon radish
Organic cress
Butternut squash
mini pumpkin
rouquette arugula*
Leaf Lettuce (black seeded simpson)
morning glory
Icicle radish
red kuri squash
rocky ford cantaloupe
snap dragon (tall rust resistant)
french cantaloupe
india mustard
warty pumpkin (from a BYC member...they gave me a ton! LOL)
red clover
early purple kohlrabi
pablano pepper
canton bok pak choy
scarlet nantes carrots*
Flowering kale
Rainbow Tomato Mix (heirloom)

*only have a little of these so pick something else to go with them

I have a LOT of daikon and cress. I just tested the daikon by doing a container of sprouts. Great germination! (and tasty too)​
*derails the train again*

i was told a trick for vertical pumkins.. i let them trail op my brick wall.. i didn't have anything to secure stuff to so this didn't work for me.. but i just like the plant in general.. and didn't really get any good pumkins started... but...

if you have a trellis that will support the weight...anchored to a wall with good long screws etc...
as the mellon or gourd starts to develop you put it into a piece of stocking.. and tie it to the support trellis...
the nylon expands as it grows... not sure of what else you'll have to do as it grows... but i'm inventive enough to try this and adapt as it goes.. if you're adventurous.. or determined, it might be something for you to try....

*puts train back on track*
Wifezilla, is the flowering kale the leafy kind that you can saute??

btw: Everyone, I received some seeds from Wifezilla a week or so ago and they were just beautifully packaged and came with lots of extras!!!! Thanks!!
I think I want to try the early purple kohlrabi. Never eaten or grown it before but it sure looks interesting.

Here what I have to offer

Blue Hubbard.....my favorite squash!!!! Makes the best bread and pies!
Acorn Aquash
Yellow (wax) Beans
Green Breans
Purple Beans (wide like a lima) grow to be deep purple.
Wifezilla, is the flowering kale the leafy kind that you can saute??

The are supposed to be edible. I haven't eaten any yet. Despite the really cold weather, they are still growing and look really pretty. I have taken wilted leaves and fed them to the ducks. They think they are delicious
I will keep them in my rotation for the next time I come up.​
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I would love some Blue Hubbard.

Now here is the new updated list

Cabbage- Super Red, Ferry's Round Dutch, and Copenhagen Market

Lettuce- Tom Thumb, Romaine

Beets- Early Wonder

Bean- Contender Bush

Brussels Sprouts- Oliver

Basil- Genovese

Squash- Fordhook Zucchini, Jackpot, butternut

Pumpkin- Small Summer Ball

Pepper- Anaheim, Sweet Banana

Peas- World Record, Caselode

Parsley- Curled Dwarf

Radish- Icicle, Rover red

Eggplant- Orient Express, Lavendar Touch

Lettuce- Tom Thumb

Carrots- Chantenay

Tomato- Pink Beauty, Super Beefsteak, Mariana, San Marzano, Polbig, Silver Fir, Sugar Sweetie

Flowers- Snowdrift Marigold, Bright lights Cosmos, Bachelor Buttons double tall mix, Nasturtium
I will take those brussel sprouts.

Organic daikon radish
Organic cress
Butternut squash
mini pumpkin
rouquette arugula*
Leaf Lettuce (black seeded simpson)
morning glory
Icicle radish
red kuri squash
rocky ford cantaloupe
snap dragon (tall rust resistant)
french cantaloupe
india mustard
warty pumpkin (from a BYC member...they gave me a ton! LOL)
red clover
early purple kohlrabi
pablano pepper
canton bok pak choy
scarlet nantes carrots*
Flowering kale
Rainbow Tomato Mix (heirloom)

*only have a little of these so pick something else to go with them
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