2009 Cntr. KY chickenstock!! Pictures starting post #500

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It looks like you guys had so much fun! I sure wish I was able to come but maybe next year! Tell me about the duck chase LOL Did any chickens get loose?
Surprisingly, no chickens escaped this time. Probably because there wasn't too much BSTing going on, just a bunch of BSing

The duck chase, well, I'm sure some got pictures of it. I believe Uncle T's Bantam's even got it on video

tazzy was wanting a white pekin drake, of which I had 3. I had tried for 2 days before chickenstock to catch one, and everytime they'd get away or my son would scare them off. So the day of chickenstock, I tried again to catch one. Of course they weren't coming away from the pond hardly at all for all the people. My dad got the idea to get his little boat on the pond and try to run the ducks out that way...of course it didn't work. So we finally found a rope long enough to stretch all the way across the pond. So there we were, 1 person on each end of the rope, me on one side, another person on the other, and a few more kids scattered randomly about to keep the ducks from running too far away. We walked the rope to one end and the ducks came right out (this was before we had the randomly scattered kids). The ducks high-tailed it down the side of the pond and right back into the water
So we went back the other way. The ducks have now caught on to our little game and are refusing to come out. Finally, after about 5 or 6 passes back and forth with the rope, the ducks came out and went running into the pasture. We almost didn't get one that time, but luckily I got one.
I'm sure someone will be posting pics before long...
Uncle T said he's gonna put the video on youtube, with the title 'how many hillbillies does it take to catch a duck?' It was at least 6
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Shelley, tell your dad thaks for letting us hold the C-stock on the land... And thank you for hosting it, you did great!!!
I missed out on the great duck chase, I didn't know it was going on until it was over...but I had a good time anyway! I brought a camera, but I forgot all about it until we were about ready to go. It looks like all the photographers did a fine job.

Rick, I'm so glad I got to see you before we left, and I hope we'll get many more chances to visit in the future.

Judy, looking forward to hearing from you, and Meri, and everybody else, too.

Chickenstocks are a nice thing. My DH, Del, had a good time too, and asked me to extend his thanks, too. This was our first Chickenstock.
Hey all, just posting here to let you all know to be on the lookout for the 2010 chickenstock thread! This year's will be on the 25th of September, hope to see you there!
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