**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Scrambled Egg wrote:
Chevy you will just have to sew at night while he's gone!!!

Hey ya'll, I finally convinced my friend from work to join the site and our swap......her name is Crumples and she is new to quilting but not sewing, she used to make tons of yard flags with all the little cutsie details on them.....so now that she knows I talked about her on the forum she will have to commit to at least one block for may!!! Anyway, I know you all will give her a warm welcome, I have already told her how awesome you all were!

You really shouldn't fib like that Scrambled ! Come on tell her what were really like

hmmmmm, I see she didn't post last night, gonna have to fuss at her this morning..see the disadvantage of actually knowing me in person?!! CW, Ima tell her ALLLLLLLL about my stalking buddy!!!!
Later gaters, have a great one
Since Sunday is the 10th and its also Mother's Day.....I am going to hold off until Monday before I send out any addresses.

Please contain yourselves ladies
you can wait until Monday.

I am doing this because the list is gonna change on Sunday, (due to unforeseen circumstances)

Please just give me until Monday the 11th.......Thank you
Hi..I have finished my block and have time to do another..please add me to the list again..here in so.kentucky we are having RAIN AND RAIN ( I know the Lord is in control all for the good...but man are we soaked) anyway I will be inside several more days..may as well be stitching...my favorite hobby is quilting followed closely by raising chickens..going to get some assorted bantams today..watching the clock.
Hello strangers!

I've been gone so long it feels a little ODD posting here.

Just wanted to say Hello, I'm still alive!

Had tons of stuff to deal with the last month or so.
My son was in hospital for a week, on IV antibiotics - he had a strep infection in his salivary gland. Not a week after coming out of hospital he had to have surgery to remove a tooth.
(don't get me started on all the bills - we don't have insurance!)

Anyway. I stopped in today to look up some stuff and thought I'd say hello. Two of my chickens were attacked by a dog yesterday, we had to put one chicken down, and the other, my little Maggie (BO) is in the dogs crate in the house healing. She has some puncture wounds on her back and chest.

Nice to see you all
(school will be out in a couple of weeks - no rest for the wicked!
Nice to hear from you Wildthing, hope your life settles down a bit
Since you've been gone, I've gotten pretty good with my sewing, we've added piles of new folks onto the swap and Acre and I have discovered that we are actually related, how cool is that?!

You guys are related - thats SO cool, you're both LUCKY devils aren't you!
(I'm probably related to Marlin, but don't tell him!)
I knew you'd be good at sewing, and its so fast to create something neat!

I missed you guys. Its really nice to see you all.

Also - Acre I'm sorry I just reread the last few posts! I won't bother you! Have a nice weekend!
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That's O.K. Luna......I just thought that all of the Mothers' on here would like to have time with their families.

Nice to see ya Wild......I'll call you soon. We've been very busy here also.

Also, right now I would like to thank my Lord that myself and/or my daughters aren't' in the hospital getting glass shards removed from our face/faces.

We were cooking dinner and we had a lot going on around us. Our focus left the oven and I had placed a glass pie plate, with flour in it, on one of the eyes, I then asked my daughter to make some tea. Well she turned on a burner and then our attention went to my oldest that is graduating. She was trying on her hat.

The next thing we knew it sounded like someone had fired a high-power rifle through the window, but it was the pie plate exploding!!!!! My daughter had turned on the wrong burner. We are all o.k. it's just supper was delayed for about an hour, due to clean up.

I just thank God that none of us were hurt.

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