**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

I am SSSOOOO excited. I am leaving in about an hour to go pick up my FIRST CHICKS!!! They just hatched yesterday!! Apparently, this lady has a small farm and raises chicks to sell. She is only open for a few hours each Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is about an hour and a half drive from me. I want to be there as soon as she opens. I would be most unhappy after driving all that way if she was sold out!!! I think that one of my DDs will be going with me.

YAY!! I love baby chicks!!
Now you know we'll be expecting pictures!! lol
Awesome!!!!! I told her today how happy I was that my nagging worked, lol!!! I think her late parents raised chickens for a living, ALOT of chickens but she doesn't have any herself. She likes nautical things, anything beachy. Hey Crumples, say hello to my other friends!!! They'll be your friends too in no time, awesome bunch we have here!!! Anyway --
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Crumples. We all know and love Scrambled so you come on in and make yourself comfortable.

By the way, did you know she really, really likes PINK!
Well I hope she gets over her shy and posts soon!! Thank ya'll for welcoming my pal

If I ever get around to replacing the stuff my puppy chewed for my camera I could show you the "string" quilt blocks I made tonight..very cool! They are strips of scrpas sewn onto a solid background, like the crazy quilt but strips instead of misc. shaped pieces, I think they look pretty cool but they will need a solid border to put them together I think. I was just playing around really tryin to see what they would look like. Still working on some Christmas things..did get my blocks for Zoo and Luna mailed off yesterday and will send California hers on monday (thanks for the address)

A free weekend with no hoovers (teenage eaters!) this weekend huh Acre??!! Cool, hope you enjoy the break !!
Welcome Crumbles glad to see ya here.

Scrambled I have a big Sorry for you I didn't know you didn't like pink and there was pink in that block I sent ya. I am so sorry do you want me to make ya a new one without pink.

Put no pink next to Scrambled's name LOL.
Don't worry about it at all, it just isn't my favorite I won't die over it, they just like picking on my about it, which is fine. My house is ecclectic country, meaning old style, no style, lol! I'll love it, thank you for even giving it a second thought, you are a sweetie!! You should get mine to you today!! I hope you like it, I sent you a chicken applique since I didn't think I had already done that, hope not anyway, if so I can send you another one too, lol!

Hopefully Luna will get hers too...can't wait to see what she says about my pinwheel!! She didn't get an applique as I think I've sent her several alreaddy and knew she must be sick of them!

California..sending yours off Monday!! Crumples...please post!!! I KNOW you are not shy in real life!!!

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