**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Lucky Gin & Heather!! Sound like awesome deals!!!! I have decided on that Singer 7469Q Quilters Confidence machine. It think I can get it with the case for 3 hundred, very excited about it, the end of the month, whooo hooo!! Good luck Gin!!!!!!!
Glad your getting one too.

I'm going today. Told DH I'm done at 10 am and I'm leaving.
now watch there may not be any there. DH ask how much I'm going to pay and I told him no more then 500.
He doesn't know I have saved up 700 more.

I know there are far more important things I should spend this money on like the bill collector that's calling now, but I never buy anything for myself and with all the work I'm doing at the barn I think I deserve something. I'm going to make baby quilts and sell them in our local paper for $50.00. I think I will make up the money soon. And theres a nice country store she will sell them for me there also.
I have blocks ready to go out to Crumbles and 17 Roses.
Please PM me with your addresses and I'll get them in the mail.

Let me know if you want me to include the pattern...it's a 12.5 inch version of the blossom block from "Summertime Blues" quilt in the June 2009 American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I resized it and can put it in the envelope.

Now that you were my guinea pigs, I'm going to make a full sized quilt out of some 30's and 40's floral prints I have.
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I will have Lori & Nanakat's blocks in the mail by Friday.
Lori's is actually finished and Nanakat's I just need to sew together! WHOOT! I should have signed up for three this month!
Scrambled Egg! I got your block! It's perfect, and I LOVE the colours, very antiquey !! You did an excellent job on it too! Thank you so much!
Oh and thank you so much for the fabric....what a nice surprise!

Here's the block SE sent me!

Luna!! I'm so glad you liked it!! My first pinwheel!!! I sent the other one to California and I sent Zoo an appliqued chicken. Thanks for the picture too, I still haven't gone to get another camera cable and memory card!! I know..slack!!! I keep spending my money on more fun things though, like fabric!!
Tomorrow I'm going to be doing my blocks as soon as I get home from work.
On my NEW sewing machine. I only had so much cash with me but not enough and I ask the lady if I could write a check for the rest she said yes I got out my check book and guess what, I had no checks.
I was so mad. I couldn't bring it home with me and it's about 50 miles away. I gave the lady the money I had because I told her if I didn't I wouldn't be back. I would fell guilty about buying it. My friend drove because I couldn’t remember how to get there in the car we went we are about 5 miles down the road and she ask how much do you owe? I told her and she turned around and I ask where are we going? She paid the rest for me and I’m paying her back tomorrow.
She said don’t tell her DH and I said I won’t just don’t tell me DH how much I paid.
Boy do I know that. I was crying and told her she didn't need to do that because it was over $200. But she said she wanted to and it would save me gas. I told her I would bring the money over to her in the morning but she reminded me we have a quilting guild tomorrow night and I could bring it then. This way her DH didn't know she did it. Oh the secrets we keep.
I'm so happy for you Ginger.
I got a new portable sewing/embroidery machine 2 weeks ago and I love it. These swaps have gotten me into sewing again after probably 10 years of not touching my old machine. Don't tell anyone but I've been sewing on my blocks for the Autumn swap. I guess I'm kinda like Scrambled, a little compulsive at times. JK, Darlene.

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