**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Happy Birthday Acres sure hope ya have a great day.

Not easy to say but ya did a great job. I myself have had very nice blocks and I thank you all for doing such a great job.
Acres, Happy Birthday, you are doing a great job.

My sewing might not be the greatest at this time, but I do know all the fabrics I use are 100% cotton. Much as I might like a certain pattern or color or combination in a bolt, if it doesn't say 100% cotton on the label I pass it by.

Thank you both Acres and SE for the reminder to Fabreeze the block before sending it out. I'm one of the quilty smokers who forgets at times that some people are allergic to cigarette smoke. I don't want to make anyone sick from inhaling the odor from my blocks, my sewing will do that all by itself!

I know that sometimes I forget to iron the seams when I'm done with the block, as I tend to finger press the seams rather than use an iron on them during the sewing process.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes
My Mom just sang Happy Birthday to me over the speaker phone. I love it
I would prefer that over anything (except for maybe a NEW sewing machine)
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Cute babies Beth! Does anyone know.....how old are baby chicks when they get sent out from a hatchery? Right away or do they wait like 8 hours or more? I'm trying to figure out when mine were actually hatched so I know how many weeks old they are. Thanks for any info.

Luna, they are usually sent out as Day Olds, which means they have hatched within the last 24 hours, have had a chance to dry and start moving around. So if the hatchery sends them out on a Monday, then they hatched on Sunday, hope this helps.

Thank you Chuck! That answers my question! Then my babies were born on the 24th of March! That's my Grandmother's birthday, she lived to be 103. Thank you again for your response!
Happy birthday Acres!!!

Piecemaker... I have one block done, but I'm not happy with it. Lol... so I'm starting over. Hubby insisted that I stay home one more day to get better, so I have all day to play with your blocks!

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