**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

OMG!!!! Wish I lived nearer!!!! Sounds like great fellowship, have an awesome day kiddo
And sign me up twiceon the June list tuesday

No I think you better sign Scrambled up for 10 in June !

We wouldn't want her to get bored would we ?
OMG, is it almost signup time again? Remember I'm supposed to be signed up for two blocks for the June swap. I already have one done and will finish up the second one today. So I guess you can sign me up for a third one as well.
Lol... Ginger!
Your teasing made me laugh!

Piecemaker - it is CRAZY how much your fabric choices matched mine! That is really cool! I'm so glad you like your blocks!

I am exhausted. We had our memorial day weekend truck and tractor pulls at the fire dept Friday and Saturday night. So I was out till 2am or later both nights working. Then Sat night/Sun morning got a phone call from my 17 y/o SIL at 3am (shortly after I got home from the pull) asking me a if it was ok that she kissed a boy (I was touched that she felt comfortable enough to call me. She's been VERY hateful towards me at times, so maybe she's softening up a bit. Poor girl's mom has never really been around - it would be hard to not have a mom to help guide you through the teenage years). Every day we worked on clearing trees so we can build fence. We broke a bunch of stuff - my chainsaw is out of commission till parts come in, ruined the chain on DH's saw, and DH got a flat tire on the borrowed skid loader today. We didn't get near as much done as we had hoped. Whew. The phone call from SIL, a newly hatched Guinea keet tonight, and the fact that everything in my garden is coming up were some serious bright spots, though.

Sorry for the book! Acre you sounded like you were super busy, too!

I think I finally got my decisions made on my quilt for my sister. Hope we get a couple of rainy evenings so I can get the blocks made and the top pieced soon. Then I can get going on the Fall Colors Swap!
I am getting my May blocks in the mail today-I wanted to send them out before we left (we were gone all weekend), but I didn't get them sent. I am sorry! You should get them Thursday or Friday.
Beth, sorry we didn't get to meet you, we got left so much later than I wanted to, but thank you so much for the guinea eggs! I kept 3 and put them in with the Turkey eggs I got from Aly. My sister got the rest of them-they have an awful time with ticks on their farm!
Maybe some other time we will get to meet you. It is really a pretty area, I loved Tappan Lake, especially!
I was sorry to miss out on meeting you, too, Heather. If I could have stayed home until you got there, I would have. Unfortunately, no one else can cover for me at the pulls, so I HAD to be there to do my job.

I HOPE that some of your guineas hatch! I'll feel terrible if none of them do! Thank you - I love this part of the state. And I agree - Tappan is beautiful!
I did and did you see who I get to make a block for ?

Fab is all picked out and ready to cut tomorrow !


I stole her shoes SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! You stalked my shoe closet!!!! LOL!!!! Give them back, I have to go to work and barefeet aren't allowed!!! lol!!!!!
I can't believe you found my shoes!!! Sneak a person's magic shoes right when they are sleeping too....man oh man...that is low!!!
Those are hookin and blockin shoes, now what will I do?!!

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