2012 BYC Forum Awards Show


Serama Chicken Enthusiast
14 Years
Nov 11, 2008

Welcome to the second annual BYC Forum Awards Show celebrating the best moments, memories, and members of 2012!
To view the first annual '2011 BYC Forum Awards Show' click here.

Last year's show was nearly successful and this year will be even better as I looked into what made the show flop and succeed.
This year you WILL get to nominate people again, but once the nomination process is closed you will get to VOTE on each category and choose one of the five nominees

From today until Friday November 30th, 2012 you will get to nominate people not including yourself. You can nominate up to 5 members in each category. To nominate them you will have to send me a PM listing the categories and your nominees below it and WARNING! once you nominate someone for one category, you have to nominate at least one member for each category otherwise I will not count it. Yes you can nominate one person in more than one category. Start sending me your nomination list!


-Member of the Year (Wins 6 month GFM)
The best member you think there is
-Staff Member of the Year
Who's your favorite staff member?
-Best New Member of the Year (Must have registered this year, 2012; Wins 6 month GFM)
Do you have a best friend that resgistered this year? Nominate him/her!
-Creative Member of the Year
Do you know a member who draws very good? Constructs things with every day items?
-Knowledgechickable Member of the Year
A person that knows a lot about chickens
-Humorous Member of the Year
A person that has made you laugh a lot
-Chicken Addict of the Year
Is constantly hatching chickens!
-Best Story Teller of the Year (Include the link to the story; Either fictional or real; Wins 6 month GFM )
Have you read a story in the 'Family and Stories' section of BYC and liked it?
-Thread of the Year
Simply the best thread of the year

Categories that will be judged only by me (You can't and don't have to nominate people in these categories)

-Best Guesser (Wins 6 month GFM)
-Fast Member (Wins 6 month GFM)
-Skitz15k Illness (Wins 6 month GFM)


Example of a nomination list-

Member of the Year

Staff Member of the Year

Best New Member of the Year


When you're done you just PM it to me. And that's it!
The Nomination process will start from now until Friday November 30th, 2012.
The Voting process will start from Saturday December 1st, 2012 until Wednesday December 26th, 2012
Winners will be announced Thursday December 27th, 2012

Disclaimer: BYC has absolutely NOTHING to do with this contest. GFM's are not provided by any BYC staff member, only me (Skitz). The ONLY thing BYC has in common with this contest is that both share this website, nothing else.
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