2012 Spring Seed Swap

Got my seeds today!
Thank you, bockbock for hosting this and to all who participated!


If you can get fresh horseradish root from the grocery store, you can plant sections of it: http://www.starting-a-garden.com/Growing-Horseradish.html

If you can't find it, let me know as I have some roots from the store and I'll trade you for some of your ditch lilies.
If anyone is interested in the live wild strawberry plants that are growing like crazy around my property, please let me know. I'd be glad to trade some of them for what you may have. ;)

Great link, Dawn!
Dawn, they are returning from last year's crop. We recently moved here and share a property with our neighbor who harvested them last year to eat. She said they're delicious. I'm assuming they're the white flowered ones in that case, but I certainly wouldn't want to send anyone the yellow ones! I wonder when they're going to start to flower? I transplanted some to a container and will be transplanting more to a strawberry pot.

I'm going to go outside now to see if I can find any that may be flowering already.
If the neighbor said they're delicious, then they're white flowered. We had some back in TN and though the berries were small, the flavor screamed "I am Strawberry!' and I messed up and didn't bring any of the plants wth me.

Plants I have (off the top of my head):

Autumn Joy Sedum
Jerusalem Artichokes
Lemon Balm
Bird's foot Violet
Three-lobed Violet
Wild Oxalis
Low-bush Blueberries
Mixed Daffodils
Allium 'Purple Sensation'
Suprise Lilies

Will add more later.
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Finally made it home to see my seeds and thanks everyone, there are some cool seeds!

I have a couple of questions

Somadlyinlove, what color are the poppies?

Chickinthecoop, are they english peas or sweet pod peas?

Delilah, the johnny jump ups, are they the little pansy like flower? (that is what I've always called them just checking to make sure there wasn't some regional plant name then I knew it as)

Yep they are like Tiny Pansies, they grow like weeds at my grandmas and I just love them :)

Edited for spelling
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