2012 Spring Seed Swap

I'm so excited. I found some cute seed packet templates. The boys & I will be decorating them & sending them off by Friday.

When I saw your post and the PM I had to go back and look at he first post to make sure I hadn't gotten confused as to time. Whew I didn't we do have to the end of Feb!
When I saw your post and the PM I had to go back and look at he first post to make sure I hadn't gotten confused as to time. Whew I didn't we do have to the end of Feb!

I did the same thing!
I thought I had made a mistake! I have a seed temp if I can find it......If I can I will be glad to post it if anyone is interested.
Quote: Sorry folks, I have a monster February coming up and wanted to get them in so I am not worrying about it.

We do the RPM challenge every year - write & record 10 (or more) original songs in the month of February.
It is in an effort to have musicians focus on their own music, rather than the music of other people. It is a stressful, fun, crazy, sleepless month & requires a lot of energy - emotional energy especially. I also am hurrying to complete my quilt blocks for a block swap before my living room is turned into a recording studio & my craft table is the mixing board.
All that on top of work, raising kids, and going to upstate NY to help my friend prepare for her twins, due the end of February, and a bunch of gigs. I hope I can sleep again in March.
Sorry folks, I have a monster February coming up and wanted to get them in so I am not worrying about it.

We do the RPM challenge every year - write & record 10 (or more) original songs in the month of February.
It is in an effort to have musicians focus on their own music, rather than the music of other people. It is a stressful, fun, crazy, sleepless month & requires a lot of energy - emotional energy especially. I also am hurrying to complete my quilt blocks for a block swap before my living room is turned into a recording studio & my craft table is the mixing board.
All that on top of work, raising kids, and going to upstate NY to help my friend prepare for her twins, due the end of February, and a bunch of gigs. I hope I can sleep again in March.

Wow that is a busy month. Do you write the words or the music, or both? What type of music (country, rock, pop, jazz etc.)?
It IS a busy month.
I play "Americana Music" according to the powers that be at RPM. Heavily influenced by bluegrass & jazz... sort of progressive bluegrass.
This is what I did last year with a friend of mine & my honey:

I wrote 7 of the songs. The three instrumentals & 4 of the vocal songs, and we wrote the music & lyrics for our own stuff. Played mandolin on every track & sang lead/harmony on all the singing songs.

Feel free to listen for free & download for free. PLEASE do not donate. The gal who runs the bandcamp website has yet to pay me, so I ask anyone who wants to listen to do so for free (and share it with your friends, if you like it).

We had a great time making it, even though there were MANY nights of no sleep before I put the kids on the bus & we started again. And, putting so much of yourself out there, on the line, in such a short period of time takes a profound toll on a person. It gives me a new found respect for "professional musicians" who do this stuff all the time, usually far removed from their real lives & support systems. It is a great experience.
Any tall ornamental grasses for veggies?
I have mostly veg seeds from last years harvest and some new. I manage to use about 85% of previous years harvested seeds each year.
For the past three years. So the seeds are becoming more heirloom.
The chickens always like running around through the corn, so it would be nice to have shelter/something to run through for more months of the year. It would be nice to dress up around the coop area with some tall grass too.

-even if not...

Can I be in as well?


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