2012 Spring Seed Swap

Thanks Dawn! I'll look the next time I'm at the store.

After Dawn's post I told my husband to look next time he was in Wally world, and he got me one today ( I actuallly wanted more then one, but I'll plant this one and use the next one he gets me) I was looking up info on medicinal uses for it and I was intrigued to try one for sinus infection/congestion, hayfever and asthma I've tried nearly everything else might as well give it a try too.
I thought you all would like this - if you haven't read it already.
I was telling my friends about this on Saturday & they thought I was making it up.
I just posted to their facebooks to rub it in
, but thought I'd share with you all, too.

Edited to add the link - boy, do I need more coffee.

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I am going to get my seeds started this weekend, it will be a few weeks before they go outside but Im just so excited to get stuff growing. Thank you everyone for all the neat seeds, they are going to mix in nicely with the rest of my garden.

BTW the Peppers have been the talk of my friends lately, we cant wait until they mature into their "Special" form :)
Talks2chickens - Yours is finally going out. You had only 1 request and I have spent the last two weeks running around to everywhere around here that sells seeds. They FINALLY put them out yesterday at Rural King and I picked you up a couple packs of tall ornamental grasses. Hope they offset the tardiness.

You Rock, bockbock!

I just realized that I didn't brag about what type of seeds I got, so here's my list:

Warty Oval and Crown of Thorn gourds
Torch Tithonia
Lemon Drop Marigolds
Red Chantenay Carrots
India Mustard
Black Zucchini Squash
Jack Be Little Pumpkins
Californai Poppy
Galeux D'Eysines Squash
Old Fashioned Hollyhocks
Appaloosa Bean
Coleus Rainbow Mix

Thank You All!
Dawn I believe I found a perfect flower companion for those blueberries, the african daisies that Wendy shared in one of the swaps.
Kassaundra, why do you suggest African Daisy for blueberries? (not questioning you, just what to hear how they benefit each other)

Wondering if I should move some to my blueberries or if what I have with them is okay.

Kassaundra, why do you suggest African Daisy for blueberries? (not questioning you, just what to hear how they benefit each other)

Wondering if I should move some to my blueberries or if what I have with them is okay.


It was one of the few flower seeds I had that also loved acidic soil, same ph as blueberries love.

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