Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #6 "Broodies and Their Babies!!!"

Our littlest Buff Orpington "Little Girl" went broody a couple springs ago. She is such a darling sweet heart. The above photo isn't a submission just cute

Entry #2 "Little Girl" with one of her chicks peeking at the world. The rest of them were tucked deep underneath her fluffy feathers. (she seriously doubled in size when she went broody, fluff bomb
This is my Blue Rock, Lacey. She decided to go broody 2 months after she laid her very first egg. She was only sitting on 1 egg and despite warnings from others that she would probably quit, I gave her 2 more eggs from her sisters and let her have a go at it. She was a very determined mama and on Thursday morning (day 21) I went out to find a little chick running around. Later in the day another hatched. She ended up leaving the nest with the third egg never hatched. When I candled it the chick looks like it died around day 18. I think she did a great job as a first time Mama and will always let her go broody whenever she wants.

Here is my first entry - My little bantam Nina with her first chick - just hatched!

Entry #1

And my second entry - one of our BO hens with her 4 Delaware/BO cross chicks last year!

Entry #2

Just wanted to participate, not a prize worthy shot, but I was so surprised/thrilled this morning to find Miss Harriet with 3 of her babies!

These eggs were so old, date 3-10 and 3-11-13 and few days later. She's still setting on 2 more.

Just set them under her because she and another hen, Miss Clessie (after my Mom) went broody on us St. Patrick's Day! (She's setting on 9, but they are old as well and she had alot of interference with other hens getting in with her to lay their eggs until I blocked her off.)

We were late worming our flocks, so rather that just throw out the eggs, I used their eggs to "learn" on. I really never expected any of them to hatch or be so healthy!

I learned alot incubating eggs, still have 12 in the 'bator due next Thursday (4-11-13)! Guess this little chicky project had quite a substantial learning curve. Still more to come and so much more to learn!! Yeah, love chicken math!! And I LOVE BYC!!!

P.S. I really do think it's alot easier to just let momma do it whenever you can.
I am so excited to about this contest! I have only had chickens for two years and have alway been afraid to have a broody hatch and raise babies. I decided to go for it this time! I am so glad I did. My hen didn't have much success with hatching her own eggs. Only one hatched, but once I saw her with her baby I gave her the others that I hatch in the incubator for the Easter hatch along and she took them all! There is just something special and natural about watching a hen with her babies. Today was a warm day so I took her out for a while for a few photos....so this is my Eng. Orp "Big Mamma" with her brood.
Such great quality photos. What type of camera do you use?

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