2013 Spring Seed Swap

Not quite yet. I got some of it done last night but quit at about 11:30 and went to bed. When I sort, I make a paper for each player with thier BYC name, what they sent, what they want and how many envelopes they send. Then I lay them out all over my living room floor and start sorting seeds. I got started sorting last night so the hard parts done. I will try to get them finished up tonight, but definately this weekend. They will all ship Monday. Kassaundra, I received your postage $$. Thank you!
Glad you got it, sorry it took so long.
Sorry to hear about your losses, Going Bhonkers and Katsdar. It is hard to lose a pet, I know! I lost 2 of my feathered friends last week, one to old age and one to the likelyhood of being too big (he was a Freedom Ranger Rooster and was a year old). Thankfully, the old lady (Maci) wasn't a "friendly" bird and I hadn't truly bonded with her, but she was 5 yrs old and I had gotten used to our "chats" while dutifully keeping my hands to myself. Little Man, on the other hand, he was a sweetie and loved attention. He was originally intended for the pot then got too friendly and made sure I wouldn't want to eat him. Sigh....
Sorry to hear about your losses, Going Bhonkers and Katsdar. It is hard to lose a pet, I know! I lost 2 of my feathered friends last week, one to old age and one to the likelyhood of being too big (he was a Freedom Ranger Rooster and was a year old). Thankfully, the old lady (Maci) wasn't a "friendly" bird and I hadn't truly bonded with her, but she was 5 yrs old and I had gotten used to our "chats" while dutifully keeping my hands to myself. Little Man, on the other hand, he was a sweetie and loved attention. He was originally intended for the pot then got too friendly and made sure I wouldn't want to eat him. Sigh....
Sorry for your losses too. I have a "Little man" too here is mine

He has just now learned he is a boy (crowing and mounting)
Thanks for your commitment to this. It sounds like a much harder project than I imagined. We lost one of 2 pet geese today. I think getting something pleasant in the mail will lift my mom's spirit a bit.

Sorry to hear about your loss, I too lost today, my Bannie hen was carried off by a hawk, we just didn't get out there fast enough, this is the first ever predator attack, Henry is so upset at his wife gone, I'm on the hunt for another hen for him I think I found one trying to set up the exchange.
I think predators are worse during certain parts of the year. I have had no problems forever but today when I went home for lunch a big dingo looking dog was in my yard. Had to round up everything I could but couldn't get some of the guineas. Hopefully they can get up out of the way.

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