2013 Spring Seed Swap

Yeah, time for the expectations to start. Now maybe I can beat my husband to the mail.

Thank you everyone for the amazing assortment of seeds and packages. My whole family was intrigued to see what I got. Now to get planting! I got:
Bronze fennel
purple tomatillo
black turtle beans
luffa gourd
bird house gourd
alaska peas
2 garlics
sandwich steak tomatoes
Utah celery
summer savory
new england pie pumpkin

They will all make great additions to my garden! Hope to do another one of these, maybe in the fall?!?
Wooo Hooo got my seeds today too!!!!!

I got

Sorgham, I can add them to my saved sorgham for variety.

Heirloom tomatoes, always a welcome addition to my garden

San Marzano tomatoes, I was wanting to try those this year

Easter egg radish, I plant lots of radish throughout the whole growing season, I feed lots to my dubia colony

Sage, to add to my new herb bed this year

Luffa, grow my own wash cloths how fun is that

4o'clocks, I was really wanting to start those in a new bed I made this winter, they remind me of my gma

Lemon cukes, I really needed those, I never got any viable seed from mine last year

Crepe Myrtle, drought tolerant and purple what's not to love

Purple Tomatillos, that sounds cool

Catnip, a good shade tolerant plant for a new shady bed I made this winter, but fair warning I may mail my cat to you.

White wild indigo, sounds like a cool perinial to plant in the front yard where the chickens can't get into it. And I have to
you hand embroidered the seed bag!!!!!!! That deserves another

Thanks everyone

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