2013 Spring Seed Swap

were they tied with a red ribbon? I made those glad you liked them they should have katsdar on the back if I remember right, still waiting on my seeds, have not gone to the mail box today, toooooo cold, don't want to leave the warmth of the house.
were they tied with a red ribbon? I made those glad you liked them they should have katsdar on the back if I remember right, still waiting on my seeds, have not gone to the mail box today, toooooo cold, don't want to leave the warmth of the house.
Yes, they were your seeds. I made a fabric little seed sac too, but I didn't embroider mine. lol

I did the same thing, had my husband go to the mail box, it isn't that far from the house, but I HATE cold and it is cold today.
I braved the cold and I have my seeds!!!! Thanks so much, I have garlic love to cook with garlic have never grown any, Confederate rose she sounds pretty you can never go wrong with a rose, Okra, thanks so much mine didn't do anything last year and I didn't get to save my seeds, but will plant in a better location, I thought I had put them in a good spot but the okra thought different, Butternut squash yummm,birdhouse gourd, yeah, and brussel sprouts yumm I can't wait to get into my garden. I googled confederate rose, very pretty,
Thanks for hosting this swap and can't wait till the next one.
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Got our seeds in too!! We're intrigued by a couple we hadn't heard of: kohlrabi, and chioggia sea pumpkin. We've never tried bok choy. And the luffa gourd, how cool is that?!

This was such a neat experience. Thanks so much everyone!!
I got my seeds! Yay!

Here's what I received:

Armenian Cucumer
Flat Leaf Parsley
Heirloom Yellow Pear Tomato
Heirloom Luffa Gourd
Confederate Rose

Thank you everyone! This was a fun swap!
Got our seeds in too!! We're intrigued by a couple we hadn't heard of: kohlrabi, and chioggia sea pumpkin. We've never tried bok choy. And the luffa gourd, how cool is that?!

This was such a neat experience. Thanks so much everyone!!

chiogga pumpkin is a winter squash type that is all bumpy on the outside. They are cool looking and make awesome pumpkin pies. Bok Choy is a chinese cabbage that can be used fresh or in stir frys and soups. I think we all must have gotten luffa's. We should compare notes to see how everyone's grow. We'll be one bunch of clean people with that many luffa's!!

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