2013 Spring Seed Swap

I don't mind the new roo crowing, think it is kinda cute, but HATE the new roo hormones, if both of my guys survive w/o becoming soup it will be amazing!!!!!!! (and I really want their genetics or they might already have been soup) My girls (chickens) I'm sure would throw me a party if I got rid of them.
Give it time maybe they will become hen pecked
Can't wait to do this again this was a lot of fun now if ole man winter will just go away, This is what I plan on doing with my bird house gourds, not only making bird houses with them but I want to cut a crescent moon shape in the front and put chicken treats in them and hang them so the birds can get to their calcium etc. I guess I will put some sort of stabilizer on the back and hang them on the fence in their pen. Well that is the plan any way.
Can't wait to do this again this was a lot of fun now if ole man winter will just go away, This is what I plan on doing with my bird house gourds, not only making bird houses with them but I want to cut a crescent moon shape in the front and put chicken treats in them and hang them so the birds can get to their calcium etc. I guess I will put some sort of stabilizer on the back and hang them on the fence in their pen. Well that is the plan any way.
No joke! It was snowing here just a little again today. We have no accumliation but just the fact that its still snowing is bad. I've got a baaaaad case of spring fever. I feel like I'm way behind on hatching this year too. I've gotten more picky about what I buy since I'm running out of room. And don't say to build another building because I just did! 24' x 24' and now I'm getting ready to turn the "shanty" ( 36'x 12' lean to with storage that my mother and I build on our own for our horses several years ago and isn't exactly pretty) into a peafowl and turkey building. And maybe a goat if I can somehow sneak that one past my DH. Must be late, I'm rambling! Goodnight and I'm glad everyone liked thier seeds!
Can't wait to do this again this was a lot of fun now if ole man winter will just go away, This is what I plan on doing with my bird house gourds, not only making bird houses with them but I want to cut a crescent moon shape in the front and put chicken treats in them and hang them so the birds can get to their calcium etc. I guess I will put some sort of stabilizer on the back and hang them on the fence in their pen. Well that is the plan any way.
Oh I may draw faces on them and hang the necks by a rope from the tree so they can peck it to death...lol.
Looks like i Missed the Dead line ,
Ill be in Next yr i only have Organic Heirlooms but maybe no one is interested in the Old Very old fruits and veggies

Like Charley chapman tomatoes
or Tiger mellons

Anyway ill be watching ill join when the next one comes up . Feb 2012 is way gone

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