2014 breeding season begins, post your results

She will most likely try again can you move him to another pen?

no, it would be easier to move the hen but not sure how she would do in an extra large dog crate- want to make sure she has enough room.
Ok, so measure the amount needed per bird per pen and it does not matter how much egg.  I would suppose that the more egg the less flavor of Safeguard.  DW feeds a lot of scrambled eggs, all the birds love them.  Babies get the yolks and the peas get the whites.

Change of topic; do you think that one can feed too much egg yolk to young birds?  Talking up to two weeks old.  We feed the yolks to the new hatchlings for a couple of days and then start mixing it into the medicated starter for the first week or so.  We have a lot of extra duck eggs for the birds to eat.  You mentioned guinea eggs, we haven't found a guinea egg for two weeks, I think they stopped laying....

Or, they have his their nest!
Okay so it is day 25 and I just moved my first 10 into the Hatcher. One precocious little bugger( a spalding of course) has made the internal pip and is pecking away at the shell already. He will be out of Fred my green and my Bronze BS hen. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for us!
Okay so it is day 25 and I just moved my first 10 into the Hatcher. One precocious little bugger( a spalding of course) has made the internal pip and is pecking away at the shell already. He will be out of Fred my green and my Bronze BS hen. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for us!
How exciting! Day 25 for us here as well, but I don't think any have pipped internally yet.


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