2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Out of my 2012 hen with white flights and spot on throat by 2012 boy with the same white markings. This one also zipped past the air cell and suffocated.

I'll cry for you

Cuz I needed/wanted to hatch a White baby too, and unfortunately my one and only chance to hatch one this season failed

Since we are only a couple hours apart or so, maybe we can hook up and do a trade later this season - one of my Dark Pieds for one of your Split to Whites?
Sorry you missed your chance! Yeah, I'd be interested in a trade, might also just be willing to give you one of my split white males. Wow, in a serious funk right now, can't believe my first white chick died. Could kick myself, all I had to do was peel away some of the shell. Sigh...

I feel for ya, cuz I'm in a funk here too... but HEY, cheer up, at least your Hens will lay more eggs, so it's not over for you yet! I was hoping to hatch Whites or split to Whites from shipped eggs... but I did not even get the chance to help one hatch. It was a complete no-go by day 10, out of 8 eggs

I need another Peacock like I need a hole in the head, lol, but at least it would give me a White gene to work with... that's the gene I am lacking to produce some Loud Pieds, which is what i want pens full of, as well as free ranging all over, (nope, I'm not greedy lol).
I'm not gonna just take him for free tho.. I'll hafta trade you something or pay you for him!
If I put my white flight girls back with the two year old boy I could send you some eggs if you wanted. Don't think I'm gonna hatch anymore of mine this year, but maybe that's just the "funk" talkin'.

All but one are under yellow Mama now. That one is one that I should cull, but can't quite yet. It had tried to internally pip through the shell, not the air cell! Still has a super fat neck and belly, and because of it, couldn't walk, so it was on it's hocks and now has two slipped tendons. For now it's in sling and I'll be tubing it.

I ended up with a multiple issue chick in my last hatch on Monday... I had to help it get out of the egg because it had internally pipped at the very very bottom of the slant of the air cell, and got stuck there (cuz of it's big butt, I guess). I tried to wait it out and let it do what it was going to do without my intervening, but after 16+ hours of no progress I could not stand it any more. So I decided to help it out at day 28.5+ (my Peachicks rarely go past day 27). After I went thru the long drawn out process of helping it out of the shell it had a bubble butt, a really puffed up neck/head and also had (still has) a weak or double jointed ankle that was letting the entire foot fold under. A hard fixer-upper, needless to say. I've been babying it, and the neck/head puffiness has gone down, it's bubble butt seems to be mostly gone, and it is up on it's feet ( but clumsy with a taped/braced up ankle and foot). Seems to be doing alright with getting around, eating and drinking etc, but it's lagging behind in size vs it's hatch-mates. Sometimes when I check on it, it seems so pitiful and looking like it's starting to go downhill, then other times I check on it and it's up running around, alert and happy...

To cull or not to cull, ugh. Not fun having to decide. For now, no culling. But we'll see how it goes.
If I put my white flight girls back with the two year old boy I could send you some eggs if you wanted. Don't think I'm gonna hatch anymore of mine this year, but maybe that's just the "funk" talkin'.

Ack!! The dreaded shipped eggs... lol, I'd rather come get them or meet ya somewhere.

I bet it's just the "funk" talking... you're a hatch-o-holic just like me, you know you're gonna set every egg your Hens lay even if you wait til the last minute, lol.
All but one are under yellow Mama now. That one is one that I should cull, but can't quite yet. It had tried to internally pip through the shell, not the air cell! Still has a super fat neck and belly, and because of it, couldn't walk, so it was on it's hocks and now has two slipped tendons. For now it's in sling and I'll be tubing it.


Commiseration time. Noodle is fading fast.
I should cull as well, but I think nature is taking care of it for me and quickly. He/she will not eat or drink and when I try to get some water in it (drops), it seems to almost be choking, like it cannot swallow. I think there is something internal that is not right. Risk we take with helping I suppose. He pipped away from the air cell as well and never would have made it out if he had been under a hen. The other are doing great and starting to try and fly, he cannot stand unassisted. It is a shame, as the markings were really cool.

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