2014 breeding season begins, post your results

The little pied does have a very white shoulder doesn't it.
It does and I just love them all!

Here's my problem child, he's one that tried to pip through the shell instead of the air cell. I should just cull it, but can't find the courage. This is one that developed slipped tendons from sitting on it's hocks. Got that fixed, but I think it might also have a twisted tibia. On top of the leg problems, it's belly is still bloated, but I don't know if it's infection or ascites. The chicken chick with it is one we found floating in a waterer.

ok, so my neighbor and I are VERY interested in finding some pea eggs. my neighbor sold his peacock to his friend down the road which they now use s protection birds. they are free ranged, and thre are about 3 peahens, and 2 peacock. we were wanting to search for egg but we no kw how old half of them are or where half of thm are laid!

do any of you sell pea egg a ship?
Don't know where you are, but why don't you look in your own area? Shipped eggs don't always seem to do so well, according to the hatchers here (I have no experience myself).
You can contact people selling peas and see if they have eggs...


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