2014 breeding season begins, post your results

ok, so my neighbor and I are VERY interested in finding some pea eggs. my neighbor sold his peacock to his friend down the road which they now use s protection birds. they are free ranged, and thre are about 3 peahens, and 2 peacock. we were wanting to search for egg but we no kw how old half of them are or where half of thm are laid!

do any of you sell pea egg a ship?

So your neighbor gave away his peas and now he wants eggs from other peas because he can't find the nest from the hens he gave away???????????????
Why don't you just wait for all these eggs the neighbors hens are sitting hatch and go gather up the chicks before the wildlife eats them?

So your neighbor gave away his peas and now he wants eggs from other peas because he can't find the nest from the hens he gave away???????????????
Why don't you just wait for all these eggs the neighbors hens are sitting hatch and go gather up the chicks before the wildlife eats them?

well, he gave his peacock away back in 08...he has had guineas for years and now one by one they are dying. he wants peas again because he thought it would be a nice change.

the eggs we are wanting to look for are laid by the hens of the peacock my neighbor gave them. he never had a hen. the peas are free ranged and you cant come anywhere close to them. I know they had one hen sit and the chicks hatched. my neighbor went to get them but found the fox took them.

the peas have been free ranged for years now and have never been penned up. that would be a tad hard to get the babies...
Quote: Thats what I see too. These big chicks are the 1st 3 that I hatched out this season (April 10th), and then one chick that a Broody hatched for me a few days later. They are 10 wks old now.

Remember the darker chick that I thought was a Hen at hatch, then it looked like a male at 4 or so weeks old? Looks like a Hen again, lol... (2nd chick from the left).

Maybe they got so big cuz I've been feeding them so many scrambled eggs
Oh ok well now it makes since my first egg didn't get laied till around April 22nd and my first hatch wasn't till late may.

I am starting to find dropped train feathers and most of my girls are nesting.
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well, he gave his peacock away back in 08...he has had guineas for years and now one by one they are dying. he wants peas again because he thought it would be a nice change.

the eggs we are wanting to look for are laid by the hens of the peacock my neighbor gave them. he never had a hen. the peas are free ranged and you cant come anywhere close to them. I know they had one hen sit and the chicks hatched. my neighbor went to get them but found the fox took them.

the peas have been free ranged for years now and have never been penned up. that would be a tad hard to get the babies...
So they are wild?
how does one use a pea for protection?
Mine slay turtles and take out wild flowers

I did an eggtopsy on the late quitter and it was mostly white with a dark patch on it's head and back.


How dark? If it was really dark brown between the shoulder blades it was probably a Pied, if it was a lighter tan it was probably a Silver Pied. I swear, for me at least, the silvers just don't seem as hardy as the others. The 2 I lost were both silvers, the third silver which is one that I had to assist a lot is doing great.
This is the chick:


Hard to call, but I'm thinking that may have been a nice loud pied. Looks just a hair too dark to be a silver. Before fluffing it is often difficult to see the tan spots on a silver. Speaking of graphic pics, I've got to get another of Turtee bird, you won't believe the difference. I do believe she is gonna be just fine. Amazing.

Hard to call, but I'm thinking that may have been a nice loud pied. Looks just a hair too dark to be a silver. Before fluffing it is often difficult to see the tan spots on a silver. Speaking of graphic pics, I've got to get another of Turtee bird, you won't believe the difference. I do believe she is gonna be just fine. Amazing.
Let's see it! Remember the yearling I told you about, the one that the coyote attacked? I can't believe it, 100% healed!

Let's see it! Remember the yearling I told you about, the one that the coyote attacked? I can't believe it, 100% healed!


I'll take a new picture tomorrow and pm it to you, the wound is a third the size and all dried up. Slowly pulling together and filling in.

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