2014 breeding season begins, post your results

@DylansMom , curiously, how is the one chick malpostioned? This interests me since I have seen so many of them in the last year, and not just peafowl, it's been ducks and chickens, too.


He was so close to getting in the right position. He didn't make the int. pip and usually I don't try to help if they don't do that, but I could tell something was a little different. I am obviously getting too much experience with malpo's as well. He would have been a head between legs, but the only thing between his legs was his beak, past head between legs had severely swollen heads, but this guy doesn't since it was just the beak . I managed to open the inner membrane and pull the beak out and he started breathing and chirped a few times. I wrapped him in a paper towel and laid him back in the hatcher, there was very little blood in the membrane, but he just doesn't seem to be coming around, still laying in there. The other IB is out and in the brooder now. We'll see, I don't know that there is much else I can do.
That is exactly what the scrambled shipped eggs I got looked like when I opened them.
That is what an egg that does not develop after being set on full term looks like here , no smell unless a couple weeks more go by
or i hear them pop and i know what that pop sound is as soon as i hear it
i try to show the dogs were the abandon eggs are so they can clean them up but sometimes the guineas will slip a nest by me.

I am very proud of my guins hens this year, this group of hens only lost 2 babies in the rain storm and are doing a great job of raising the remaining dirty dozen, it has taken them many years to get it right.
Last year it took 7 of them to raise one.

Poor Tobie McNut, he just wanted to sniff their butts but moms tried to beat him up.

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This past weekend hatch 3 from eggs I traded DylansMom for 2 from her BG male and B BS hen 1 from her egg marked P/ SP from mine 1 pied, 1 bronze, 1 bronze BS or BS split bronze 1 IB BS, 1 Purple BS (Didn't know my Purple dark pied male was split to BS did know one hen was) and 4 purple one which is a week old put in to help others learn to eat and drink
This past weekend hatch 3 from eggs I traded DylansMom for 2 from her BG male and B BS hen 1 from her egg marked P/ SP from mine 1 pied, 1 bronze, 1 bronze BS or BS split bronze 1 IB BS, 1 Purple BS (Didn't know my Purple dark pied male was split to BS did know one hen was) and 4 purple one which is a week old put in to help others learn to eat and drink
Congrats on a colorful bunch of cute chicks! -Kathy

This past weekend hatch 3 from eggs I traded DylansMom for 2 from her BG male and B BS hen 1 from her egg marked P/ SP from mine 1 pied, 1 bronze, 1 bronze BS or BS split bronze 1 IB BS, 1 Purple BS (Didn't know my Purple dark pied male was split to BS did know one hen was) and 4 purple one which is a week old put in to help others learn to eat and drink

And all 4 of the chicks I hatched from the eggs I got in this trade are doing great, 5 days old and starting to fly out of the brooder box!
Thanks again!
Nice looking babies Snowshoe

One of the pied hens i kept from last years hatch has been coupling with Master P ,
for the last few days so i will get to see if those yearling eggs will hatch, i know he has bred with the some of the whites from last years hatch but i am not sure if how many are laying or if they are the clear eggs i got from whites are theirs or another white from a different year, it gets confusing trying to keep up with all the different white, blues and pieds are easy all of them have a certain mark and i can tell them all apart

The broodies suprised me with 5 babies today, i wasn't sure when they were due cause i found the nest and pulled the eggs after she started sitting, these are the first the boordies have hatched, i been pulling them when it is hatch time for fear the babies might get pecked cause this is a set of 3 broodies that always sit together and sometimes one of them would peck a chick if i did not pull them in time, but they did great
Temp under two more broodies.
the first one was 102 but i could not get a good photo so when i went to better light it dropped to 100

This bottom one came from under one of the 3 broodies that hatched out all those babies today
I think after these eggs are done i am going to set guinea eggs and do a read every 3 hour for the duration of the hatch and see just how many times these temps fluctuate

The temps seem to drop to 90 and at first i thought it was because the hens were off the nest but the 3 hens had already had their break so i put the reader under there after they were done.
this is going to be interesting i think.

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