2014 breeding season begins, post your results

I'm not 100% positve yet but tonight we wing banded chicks that are about a month old. Mainly when the zip tie starts getting tight around their legs,it forces me to wingband. Anyway tonight while picking up chicks one had a yellow zip tie on it's right foot (meaning from our bssp pen). It was the normal yellow looking at first but as I moved it so I could see the skin in it's wing for proper band placement I noticed it has peach colored feathers in it's wing and some across it's back. Fingers are crossed here but I'm hoping it's from the peach hen in that pen,and this turns out to be a peach bssp. We've had this same group of birds together now for at least 3 years and this season is the first time I ever got any chicks that resembled an IB peachick. But if this chick IS from the peach hen what a bonus for this breeding season. I'm absolutleeee sure the color I seen was peach. I know,wheres the pics?
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Hi, I am still learning all the colours , beautiful chicks you have there. Any chance I could see a picture of the adult peach hens?

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