2014 breeding season begins, post your results

@DylansMom , how's little Forest doing?


Sorry it has taken so long to post this "Forest" update! 5 weeks old today and kicken' B____.
He/she is still smaller than the other. He is housed with 4 chicks that are only 5 days older than him, but you can see the difference in size. He has some obvious vision problems and I'm not sure how he will do with flying, but thus far he has figured everything out that he needs to, it just takes him a little longer and a few more tries. He is growing though and he has captured the hearts of a very nice family from NJ who want to adopt him, special needs and all. They were here last weekend and picked up a couple chicks and just fell in love with Forest. I think this family would be a good fit for him, so I will be letting them know that they can have him.

Quote:Is 545g good for 2 months. He is eating good. Etc
It's fine as long as he gains weight daily. Weigh him again in two days and let us know how much he is then. @mandyok has his sister, right? If they are the same age and from the same parents they should be about the same size. Of course there are always exceptions, like the small ones @zazouse and @DylansMom have and like the monster boy of mine, but same age chicks from the same parents should be within 100 grams of each other.

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It's fine as long as he gains weight daily. Weigh him again in two days and let us know how much he is then. @mandyok
 has his sister, right? If they are the same age and from the same parents they should be about the same size. Of course there are always exceptions, like the small ones @zazouse
 and @DylansMom
 have and like the monster boy of mine, but same age chicks from the same parents should be within 100 grams of each other.



He is half again as big as his sister. Do you think his weight will still be close to his sister's?

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