2014 Crochet square swap, colorful circles.

Mine will be sent out on Monday. I've had them done for quite a while, but totally lost track of time. Sorry
Yep, been a dispatcher for 12 years. Hubby is a retired Alaska State Trooper and was featured a couple times on that Nat Geo Series. Poor guy. Its a fun gig - we never have the same day twice, I'm sure you can relate, Kassaundra! Every once in a while, I wish I were out in the field playing (I have been a cop and a medic as well) but them I remember I am safe at my desk and don't have to get any on me, if you know what I mean!! haha!

Rancher Hicks, Alaska is incredible. Its beautiful and rugged and at times equally unforgiving. The shows simply don't do the scenery justice! Please don't think we all behave like the idiots on the shows. That Kilcher family that has their own show now is a bunch of idiots. They live 10 miles from town, not in the middle of nowhere and they just over dramatize everything they do. I have had dealings with them professionally, and am very embarrassed to have them represent my beautiful state.

Also, hubs was able to get the package mailed off, so I will be sending the return postage this weekend :)

Oh I'm sure the "drama" is scripted. I've read about these shows in the Readers Digest. It's the cold that would keep me away, but it is very beautiful I'm sure. I never even considered you were an idiot.

I volunteer with a guy who had a sister up there.
All I can say is that if you get the opportunity to come up, you won't be disappointed. I would share some pics, but I can't get the site to let me upload them....rrrr. I'll keep trying.
Beautiful, but I am a confirmed from birth life long hater of cold. I think anything below 50' F is to cold for human living. I carry my coat to work in the summer during 100' days b/c of the airconditioners in the truck and station. When I still could go to church (asthma and perfume make it impossible now so I listen on the phone) I would sit in a BIG wool winter coat in the summer and freeze, w/ numb and blue finger tips.
Beautiful, but I am a confirmed from birth life long hater of cold. I think anything below 50' F is to cold for human living. I carry my coat to work in the summer during 100' days b/c of the airconditioners in the truck and station. When I still could go to church (asthma and perfume make it impossible now so I listen on the phone) I would sit in a BIG wool winter coat in the summer and freeze, w/ numb and blue finger tips.

Boy don't I hear that, about church. My arthritis kills me. In the winter it's outside to open up the chickens and make sure they have feed and water, then out to close up and collect any eggs.

Last April I was in TX and was cold.

Of course I have lots of hobbies to keep me busy inside. These squares are one. Sorry they may be late, I've a few more to do of the big ones. I'll get them out asap.

Sebocat, I'll bet the night skies are beautiful.

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