2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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He must have raised it, I never noticed that. Here are two more pictures I took at the same time. He was just standing on my laptop and reading BYC..

I had to pick one of the three for the contest so I picked the other two.

When I look at these pictures I see the other leg is just perfectly lined up behind his other leg, between my lens and the vanishing point.
That one made me laugh. So cute!

Miss Penelope Peepers belongs to my cousin. I got to babysit her for a week and caught a pic of her striking a pose and snacking on a fuschia.

Sesame Chicken is my dear sweet pride and joy. Her feisty personality is hidden by her charm and intense attention to what is going on around her. She is quick to race you to the fridge because that is where we keep her meal worms. She is the last one to go to bed at night because she believes it is her rightful place to perch on the back of the couch and guard the front door. She is the first one to wake up in the morning, skitter down the hallway and jump in bed next to whoever leaves their bedroom door open. You may wake up with a fuzzy rump in your face or warm rubbery feet perched on your bare leg. She keeps our family in stitches with her antics and we can't picture our family without her.
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