2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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Why aren't new people allowed to submit photos? I went through and took some more photos to submit only to find out you are excluding newbies. I thought it was open to everyone, but there is no way for me to upload my photos. I've had trouble in the past uploading but why do you want to exclude people? The world would be so much nicer if we included more people and more variety into our lives. (IMO)

New people aren't excluded, the only limit is 2 pics per person... sorry you're having issues uploading pics... sometimes that happens and it is more related to software recognition than anything...
Do you have this button visible anywhere?

I am having so much trouble getting a picture I love of my uncooperative chickens. So I will just put some that don't thrill me 'cause I wanna play, too.

Till watching his favorite hen, Blanca, eat honeydew.

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