2016 Gosling Hatch-a-long

Serv, so excited to see the gosling once it hatches!!

I candled my eggs tonight and have a little good news to share. Of the three white African eggs, two are developing nicely. Yay. I also set one egg from my best grey pair which is developing nicely and I have a 25% chance it will be a buff girl. But, in bad news, all my buff eggs are infertile which means my attempt to force pair my homosexually inclined gander with a goose did not work. Sigh.
So, I am pretty sure I will set another round this weekend since I will have three more white African eggs to set. Guess I will also set eggs from my super reliable buff/grey trio. If I set the smallest eggs out of the group, chances are high they will be buff females. Otherwise, all my hopes for buff babies will be with my broody buff girl who has two eggs developing nicely underneath her. Those are actually scheduled to hatch a week before the eggs in my bator. Wish her luck!
Good news on the whites atleast! Do you think you can get more buff eggs? The buff toulouse truly is as beautiful as buff African geese(any Buff geese really)and the size they can get up to!
I've not seen a buff toulouse gosling either ;) so hopefully the broody girl will hatch!
Isn't genetics with the buff gene so exciting!
I'm going to check the eggs in a few minutes so hopefully the other BuffxBrown African egg is also female.
I'll keep ye updated

I've so much updates I know but it's just the excitement of having goslings again!
Got the cage ready for the babies.
The orange rope is for them to chew on so they don't bite the feathers off their backs.
Two of them should hatch tonight.
More updates to come!
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Hatched last night all hyper this morning. Another hatched and is drying up. The other 3 have all external pipped and will most likely hatch out tomorrow.
The gosling that was developing at the bottom of the yolk pipped at the pointy end of the egg ;)



Hey daddy!
Thanks Iain, just found out a chicken is brooding on her own eggs but all are (she's too old)but I found 2 goose eggs underneath her from the last mixed breed goose pair I sold.
Guess what, one was fertile and internal pipped -_-
Looks like I'm still not off the mixed breeds :(
Sneaky egg got lucky -_-
It's in the incubator now.
Can't believe I didn't notice the chicken was sitting on goose eggs.
Hatched last night all hyper this morning. Another hatched and is drying up. The other 3 have all external pipped and will most likely hatch out tomorrow.
The gosling that was developing at the bottom of the yolk pipped at the pointy end of the egg ;)



Hey daddy!

Very cute!

And AH HA! I said it would probably pip at that end lol

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