** 2017 New Drug Law - What Are Your Plans? **

I can see where some use anyibiotics too much. I keep bees and chickens have had bees for over 12 years now and have used about half a cup in that twelve years but I know if I have a bird sick I separate it from the flock and observe it and go about curing its alements but to use anything like that constantly only time I have seen so much used was by Drs to give out like candy for anything and everything. I can understand it's use but if I have a cold then why prescribe antibiotics?
That right there is probably the biggest problem!! Pushing meds, whether antibiotics or others. There is a pill for everything! What ever happened to common sense? The lack of common sense in our society these days astounds me!
That right there is probably the biggest problem!!  Pushing meds, whether antibiotics or others.  There is a pill for everything!  What ever happened to common sense?  The lack of common sense in our society these days astounds me!  

I'm not one to say what Drs do but dang you get antibiotics every time you go to the Dr!
Questions for everyone...

  • What would you do if you found one of your birds looking like the one below (note: not my bird)?

  • Would you seek veterinary care?

  • Would you cull? If culling, why?

  • Would you treat? What would treatment include and why?

Edited to add note that it's not my bird.
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Questions for everyone...
  • What would you do if you found one of your birds looking like the one below (note: not my bird)?
  • Would you seek veterinary care?
  • Would you cull? If culling, why?
  • Would you treat? What would treatment include and why?
Edited to add note that it's not my bird.
I'd go to the vet for two reasons what is it and is it contagious to my other birds but I would immediately isolate as this is Sunday and the vets not open
I know there are people that will choose to cull, and that's fine, I'm not gonna give you any grief, I promise,
, and I understand why you would want to.

Some will choose to see a vet, and that really is the best option for those that don't want to cull all sick birds, and one I would do if I have a *bunch* of disposable income, and I do mean a bunch, lol, because treating that eye could end up costing well over $300 (office visit, licocaine? anesthesia? surgery, other medications), they all add up, especially the surgery and anesthesia parts.

There are also people that would treat it at home on their own, and in many cases this can be done quite successfully, though it's not for the faint of heart.

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