2020 BYC Calendar - We Need Your Pictures!

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Just chickens. After all, the site is called BackYard Chickens... plus it says best chicken pics, not best poultry pics like Kiki said. :p
I do wonder though, if there would be any objections from people if a couple "other fowl" photos got snuck in there. There doesn't seem to be enough interest for a totally "other fowl" calendar, so I wonder if BYC would consider doing a combined calendar? Just a thought. :)
My apologies for my earlier posts of my guineas. I realize the site is called Backyard Chickens, but there are dozens and dozens of threads related to other poultry here on BYC. I was just thinking other pics would be welcome since BYC represents so much more than just chickens now. Thanks for clarifying....I will take a better look at the wording in the future.
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