Ended 2024 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Wattle I Do Without You?

I’ll share my beautiful little sapphire gem, Pepper here. She’s a special chicken to me because she is a leader of the flock and so brave. I appreciate that she doesn’t complain as much as the others and she was the friendliest little chick. I love her so much!
I’ll share my beautiful little sapphire gem, Pepper here. She’s a special chicken to me because she is a leader of the flock and so brave. I appreciate that she doesn’t complain as much as the others and she was the friendliest little chick. I love her so much! View attachment 3736355
Thanks for sharing! She’s beautiful. I liked my sapphire gems as well.
Entry 2.
There is a really sweet story behind this picture. This is Chick-fil-A (The Ideal 236. Please note I did not name her!) and June (The Golden Comet). They both deal with various health struggles but their main ones are: Blindness and Ascites. (June Is blind and Chick-fil-A has Ascites). Shortly after June went blind we drained Chick-fil-A for the first time. We kept them together in a small enclosure and it was so sweet to see the way they bonded. They slept together, ate together, had dust baths together etc.! When Chick-fil-A was well enough to be let into the big pen again we were surprised to see that instead of enjoying the extra space she would come and pace back and forth trying to get in to see her friend! Every time we drain Chick-fil-A now we bring June in to help comfort her through her surgery! It is the cutest thing to see her snuggle down under June after! This picture was taken last night after we drained Chick-fil-A, all she wanted to do was be close to June! I don't know what they would do without each other!
chickfilay and June.jpg
Here's Muffin
She's the only gold laced wyandotte in the flock but she's very nice and doesn't peck me for food
The others pecked her comb for a while but its healed now
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She's very pretty. Great feather condition too.

Entry 2.
There is a really sweet story behind this picture. This is Chick-fil-A (The Ideal 236. Please note I did not name her!) and June (The Golden Comet). They both deal with various health struggles but their main ones are: Blindness and Ascites. (June Is blind and Chick-fil-A has Ascites). Shortly after June went blind we drained Chick-fil-A for the first time. We kept them together in a small enclosure and it was so sweet to see the way they bonded. They slept together, ate together, had dust baths together etc.! When Chick-fil-A was well enough to be let into the big pen again we were surprised to see that instead of enjoying the extra space she would come and pace back and forth trying to get in to see her friend! Every time we drain Chick-fil-A now we bring June in to help comfort her through her surgery! It is the cutest thing to see her snuggle down under June after! This picture was taken last night after we drained Chick-fil-A, all she wanted to do was be close to June! I don't know what they would do without each other!View attachment 3736996
Aww, I'm glad they have each other as company. Thanks for sharing their story.

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