21st Century Incubator in development. Need feedback/volunteers!

I'm coming late to the discussion, but I'd love to volunteer. I hatch 3-8 breeds at a time, on a weekly basis. Our hatches usually range from 20-50 eggs at a time. I have one older 1202 Sportsman, which works fine, but the temp. variations can be iffy. I'd love to try something new. As a stay at home farmer, rancher, chicken wrangler, Mom and general do-it-all, I have the time to devote to a project of this type. Please keep me in mind

aprophet, Thank you for that power source link. I had two fans running from one power source yesterday evening. Now to figure out what to do with it permanently.
By the way does anyone have a source for info on a Humidistat design? The best price I have found for a pre made one is about $30. I know there is an electronic type that works off of resistance between two metal plates. No idea how accurate they are or if they can be home made. Just hoping.
Is there any one still here? I love this Idea!!! I wanted to try something along this line myself. I was Just not exactly sure about the circuitry side of it. I am so glad that you are going to attempt to improve the bators currently used. I guess no one wanted to try and mess with what has worked for so long. LOL I love technology! It is awesome if used the right way. Please keep up the good work. We are waiting patiently, fingers crossed, and wishing you all the best!

Good Luck and God Bless!
Ok, here's an update. I have made great progress on this project. I located a supplier for the container that I want. After looking what was readily available such as the styrofoam ice chest cooler, I wasn't impressed. I found a company that does make a formed container that is much thicker, sturdy, and nice looking. Also, I have written the program that will run the incubator. I have tested it using some simulation software and is working as expected. I have a layout of my circuit board, so all I need are the components. I placed an order for my electronics today. So, that is the update. I will post progress / pics as I progress.
Coop Creations,

If you have access to Graingers look for their attic vent (louver) actuators.
I use one for a toy train ( N gauge ) switch, it switches in the up down not the normal left right.
You can get the actuators in either 24 or 120 vac.
The actuator is in a box about 2"x2"x4" long, extending out of the long end is a shaft that rotates approximately 45 degrees. It has a bit of torque, you could use it directly or thru a linkage to adjust the degree of rotation.
On every operation it reverses direction.

Hope I have helped and not confused...

Please add me to the hat full of names. I am an average Joe that loves to build el-cheapo incubators and would love to have a nice one to run. Good luck!! It looks as though you will have a great product for the end user.
I saw a humidistat the other week in home depot for $20-22 I am going to try to make a humidistat and electric condensate pan from a refrigeration system work as a humidifier for my final version just a few random thoughts

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