23 day Egg, Severely Cracked with Ripped lining - HELP!


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
I have two hens that are brooding over one clutch, which is now 23-25 days old depending on the egg. 5 out of 8 have hatched. This morning I went to check on them and one egg was severely cracked on one side and had a rip in the lining. In the hopes that it would hatch, I left it, as I don't own an incubator. When I checked on it when I returned home, the egg was much colder in comparison to the others, and the baby was unhatched but still alive. I have removed it and put it under a heat lamp, while I keep an eye on it. I am making sure, to the best of my ability, that it isn't too cold or warm.
It only recently chirped after an hour or so, but is otherwise silent. Should I help it hatch? Or hope that it will hatch on its own?
It is possible that it is stuck. I haven't been able to hatch under a broody hen, but you need humidity so the chick can slide around the egg shell to let itself out. If it's been cold for awhile before you found it and now it's drying out under a heat lamp....
I would wrap it in a very wet cloth leaving the opening on the egg UNCOVERED. So it can breathe. Also make sure no water drips into the egg or it could drown. You could also plug up a hot humidifier close by. When I asisted before I also had a space heater turned on. I don't know if it is possible for it to get unstuck if it is. I've only ever had it happen once. But that will at least get your humidity up while you decide what to do or wait on someone with more experience to chime in.
There is a broody hen thread with a ton of posts that people follow, if you ask there more people will be updated and read to try and help you.
i reckon leave it in the nest .. n let nature take its course... u cant tell..the health condition. of the chick.. unless.. its out.. if its healthy.. it shud hatch on its own
If it's a chicken egg, it's overdue. I would be afraid of it being trapped in that egg. If you want to try to save the chick you should try an assist hatch. There are video's of it on youtube and some really good info on this forum.

It may be stuck inside the shell and with the shell in that state I would be afraid it will not be able to hatch on it's own. But this is only if you believe in helping. Some people are hands off but since you posted I'm guessing you want to help the chick out. If at any point you see blood stop! It's not fully finished if you find blood. After seeing that egg I think nothing you do will be hurting the chick worse than it already is. You have the potential of saving it by helping it out.

*the white membrane is looking a bit like shrinkwraped, you will need some moisture on that membrane and caution. It may be stuck to the chick. Use warm water if possible and a qtips or something you can control so you do not accidently drown the chick with too much water.
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Thank you very much! The chick it still breathing, but there is still a bit of blood. I am trying to keep the membrane a tad wet, and i am keeping an eye on it. thank you for the advice.

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