23 ducklings in one clutch?!

She told me that they were getting picked off so they must not have had adequate shelter for them.Some of the Muscovy made it down to the river but not all I guess they got taken when still at her home. The doves lasted about a year longer than anything else I never saw the chickens but they had them too. I think because the doves were white and we're all in wooded areas the doves got picked off by hawks and probably the eagle when they would fly out into the open. When I finally decided to bring Ernie home I ran into her at a store in town and asked her if she wanted him back, No way did she which I was so relieved. He was such a great drake.
It's so hard to believe that was almost 20 yrs ago next June 2024.

Grandma really does need to take those ducklings for her own, Have you seen the ducklings yet today?
Sorry for the delayed reply, it's been a busy week. Ernie is the one you had for 12 years? Did he have any offspring that you raised or was he a single pet with no mate?

There's sadly just 1 duckling left and there were still 3 just this morning. I can't believe it and i'm heartbroken because I was feeding all 3 just a little while ago. At 10am they were all here eating and it's 3pm and just 1 left and the poor little thing is looking around nervously quacking, probably looking for it's siblings.

If it was just 1 picked off at least he'd still have 1 sibling left...but now he's all alone and when I just fed his Mama he waddled off to the water by himself probably searching for the others. I'm so sad because they were getting bigger and I was thinking they'd make it to adulthood.

I'm holding out faint hope that Mama left the other 2 somewhere like she does sometimes and the 3rd one just followed along. If she returns later and it's still just 1 with her then i'll know for sure. Boy nature can really suck sometimes. I was getting quite attached to them. :(
A couple of hours later I walked out and saw the little duckling sitting all by his lonesome with Mama in the water. When she saw me she started coming up but she really shouldn't be leaving him like this....he's a literally a sitting duck for the predators. I'm so worried for him. :(

What a precious duckling and sorry to say alone it really doesn't stand much of a chance.

Some mamas just don't have as much of a mothering instinct as others. She shouldn't be leaving this little one alone.
At sunset I gave the little one extra food and had my water sprayer to keep the other flock at bay so he can eat it all for himself. If it's his last day alive I want it to be a good one. As he swam away with his Mama afterwards I wondered if it was the last i'd see of him. I get so attached to these ducks but can't help it especially when they're so tiny and innocent like at this age. When they come running up to me so trusting for treats it's the cutest and happiest sight lol.

I feel sad also that he has to sleep tonight without snuggling up with the 2 siblings. I pray he survives but i'm also preparing myself to see the Mama alone in the morning. It's too bad Grandma didn't steal her eggs but she seems to really be enjoying her time alone again and deserves a long break.
Hoping the little one has made it through the night.
He was here this morning!! I pulled the curtains open to see him eagerly looking up at me and Mama by his side. I was so relieved! I made sure he and Mama got their breakfast while keeping the others at bay. But after a while he got scared of Grandma's flock bullying and scurried for the water by himself.

I watched him like a hawk while his Mama just kept on eating. It's like she doesn't even care!! Finally after like 5 minutes of baby in the water all alone she slowly waddled down to him. She's probably thinking to herself "Are you still here?!" lol....bad Mama!

Here's the little one in the water waiting for Mama---then she finally came (took her darn time too!)....In the foreground of 2nd pic is a baby wood stork. It's Mama is a few feet away out of the pic.

I have a few muscovy females that have given up when their ducklings are 3 weeks old. Thankfully they were okay but they were inside fencing not out in open water. I sure hope the little one makes it.
I have a few muscovy females that have given up when their ducklings are 3 weeks old. Thankfully they were okay but they were inside fencing not out in open water. I sure hope the little one makes it.
At only 3 weeks? Aww, I wonder why they do that? No motherly instinct in them? Strange how a duck like Grandma is fiercely protective of her young while others just couldn't seem to care less. I guess they're just like people lol.

I wish I could just grab the little one and have him live in my enclosed sunroom until he's able to fly, but that might also hurt him too. So i'll just keep watching over him and pray.
I guess it just depends on the duck and her instincts. My one has a daughter who is a year younger than her mama mama is 12 dd is 11. when mama gave up her 5 Runner ducklings at 3 weeks her dd took them plus she had 5 of her own. Then my other Muscovy decided she'd had enough and gave hers up so Dolly took on all 15 ducklings I wish I still had pictures of the family with Dolly walking and the ducklings in a line behind her. [Lost them all when my computer died]
Now my Joy was one that gave up at 3 weeks, but this past June she hatched 2 Runner ducklings and stayed with them for 10 weeks then my Goose took over and she is still with those 2 Runners and both drakes. They were 4 months old on Oct 14th. They can sure be amazing.

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