23 ducklings in one clutch?!

Wow I thought all ducks had that built in instinct and it was just an odd duck that would abandon the young. It seems quite common if a few of yours did the same thing. Lucky for those little ones that you have them enclosed and they'd still be safe with others to raise them!

Baby swam away on his own and Mama is staying here all by herself. Now i'm worried because he swam all the way over to the park and I lost sight of him while Mama doesn't seem to care.

One of her eyes is closed and she's been sitting under my window for the past 20 minutes while baby is who knows where. The pond is filled with so many ducks that he follows so hopefully one of them will shelter him from danger.

Mama is either very tired or perhaps she's sick? Only one eye is keeping shut and she doesn't seem to want to leave here. :(
I wonder if the baby can sense that Mama doesn't want him and that's why he left because i'd think the chick would instinctively stay with the mother no matter what unless it felt unwanted?
And without it's siblings anymore, it probably feels there's no more reason to stay with her? The behavior of both is very odd. It's hard to figure these ducks out.
Mama could be sick or she may have stuck her eye. I guess from a distance you can’t tell if it’s running or foamy. As for the other mama I don’t think it’s that uncommon for them to give up around 3-5 weeks. I was very surprised Joy stayed with hers so long this time maybe it’s her age and she’s more relaxed. She sure was protective and so is Missy my goose. I’d like for her to take over as body guard for my 4 little Runners when they go outside for good. They’ve met her but she scares them she’s so big compared to them. I sure hope your little one makes it especially if it’s stays close to all the other ducks. About how V old is it now any idea?
Mama could be sick or she may have stuck her eye. I guess from a distance you can’t tell if it’s running or foamy. As for the other mama I don’t think it’s that uncommon for them to give up around 3-5 weeks. I was very surprised Joy stayed with hers so long this time maybe it’s her age and she’s more relaxed. She sure was protective and so is Missy my goose. I’d like for her to take over as body guard for my 4 little Runners when they go outside for good. They’ve met her but she scares them she’s so big compared to them. I sure hope your little one makes it especially if it’s stays close to all the other ducks. About how V old is it now any idea?
Your goose can care for the ducklings? Aw, that's so sweet. I can see the ducklings being terrified of her though. I guess they're not that much different in species. Do the geese and Muscovies get along together?

Baby came back! After an hour I went out back and there was Mama in the water with him (or her). I watched Mama swim clear across the pond alone while baby was who knows where...but they wound up together anyway.

I wonder if they have a meeting place such as where they go at night to sleep and that's how they found each other. As for age, I would say between 1 and 2 months if that...I remember by 3 months Grandma's flock was already sprouting big wings...here's what I just snapped of the two.

Perhaps you can tell the appx age by the pic?

He's still out there eating so I just snapped a close up of the little one. Maybe you or one of the experts can pinpoint exact age? One thing is for sure, he's a fearless independent little one!
IMG_20231020_173130268_HDR (1).jpg
He really is an independent one. After he finishes eating he fearlessly runs down to the water to drink and float around while Mama stays here eating. I think with so many ducks out there with Grandma's giant flock, he safely blends in among them all.

Hopefully this can help him to evade predators. If he's 4-5 weeks old now then he's still got another 6 weeks to go before flying.

I'm praying the little one makes it.
Still here this morning! The little one prefers seeds to bread which is good since it's better for him. He vacuumed it all up and went quickly back to the water waiting there for Mama to finish, and she went back to him after eating and they swam over to the park together.

I guess it's safer for him to be in the water than on land? At least this is what i'm assuming since he seems to prefer being in water the way he hurries right back in after eating.

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