24 weeks and no eggs?

I'm glad to hear that others have had issues with egg-laying, and that it happens all of a sudden. I have six at 25wks (3 americaunas, 2 RI reds, and 1 white leghorn) and NO EGGS. I also have two Buff Orps (but we think one is a rooster) at 21wks and a barred rock around 19wks. I'm not expecting from them just yet.

I have been SO NERVOUS that it's because we haven't been able to get nesting boxes in there for them (we'll be moving them soon to a bigger coop and were planning to do the boxes then), but all my chickeny friends tell me that won't keep them from laying; they'll end up just laying anywhere. (My bff in Arkansas, has over 50 chickens I think, and she says they're all accomplished layers and will *still* lay out in the middle of the yard occasionally.) Does that sound right to everyone?? It's also turning colder and it's been raining for almost 2 weeks...think that would affect them?
Yeah, well actualy, not being able to get to the nesting boxes doesn't stop them from laying, if they gotta go, they gotta go... haha. I was worried about that myself actally, Although, I have found eggs in the doorway, under the waterer, and even outside, once again, they gotta go, they gotta go
Anyways, so yes, raining and darkness is most likely affecting them. It shouldn't prevent them from laying, but it might delay it awhile. Its always said that spring hatched chickens almost always take longer to lay compared to fall hatched chickens.
Nice, I was gone this weekend and I just got back and now buttercup is weezing and has a black thing on her crow and I'm really worried, she acting regular though
If you know anything please help!!!
I used Valbazen for worming last month. I got it at Coastal Feed in Auburn. It's not specifically for chickens...I think it's in the goat section. Dosage: 1/2cc for standard birds and 1/4 for smaller birds - 14 day withdrawal. If you treat one, I would go ahead and treat them all.
It looks like my cochin eggs, if you have one of them.
Oh, I don't have any cochins, I have a Black Sexlink, Buff Orpington, Golden/White Sexlink, and a Rhode Island Red
P.S. Give 1st dose, then one more 10 days later...then 14 day withdrawal.

Ok, I meant to post this last night, but it was pretty late, so I decided to wait until I wasn't as busy, so anyways, I went out to make sure everything was ok and put the chickens to sleep for the night, and I went out, and buttercup was being all friendly and stuff, and, this took me about a minute, and then I realized, 'Hey! Buttercup isn't Weezing any more!' I still am planning on worming them because that is important. And I still am keeping a close watch on her and the others, because they all have some sort of black stuff on their waddle, although I've heard of that kind of thing and nothing ever really happens. So, shes good! For now atleast, and I hope it stays that way. And when I went out this morning, I heard a bunch of noise coming from the coop, and I peeked in through the vent and little Buttercup was sitting/squating in the middle of the coop, and after a minute or so. And then I had to leave, but there was an egg in that exact spot when I got home today!
Good Girl
I guess I can close this post or something because I know that Buttercup, has finally laid an egg(for sure)
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My hens (the seven that were laying) took a molt break. My EE got back on track a couple of weeks ago, but noone else. I have 20 hens total, 13 of them were too young to lay yet, but I was patiently waiting.
On Saturday one of the BS finally laid again (32 weeks old).
Today two of my young girls (a RIR and a BA, both 25 weeks old) laid their first egg!!! Yay!!

The light green eggs are from the EE, the first brown egg is from a BS, the second a BA, and the thrid from a RIR.

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