24hr.12+ chick slamboree...please read!!!


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
We are hatching tomorrow...we are offering a slamboree of chicks including 2 blue swedish ducklings and at least 2 of our crele orpington project chicks!!!!

These will ship out Monday.....we ship day old and they are all healthy upon shipping. I will add extras just in case...but please understand these are live animals And you may Lose a few during shipping....that being said....here's what could be in the box.....

Golden lace wyandottes
Blue black splash orpingtons....sq.
Buff Brahmans LF
Bantam cochin...split to lavender...will b black or blue..sq
Crele orpington project chicks.....at least 2
LF Blue black.splash Cochin. ...show quality lines
Black.copper marans
Coronation split Brahma
Barred rock...only expecting a few but???

I cannot guarantee how many...but it will be a great assortment
Shipping includes the box...gro-gel and warmer.and if you don't want the ducklings I will add a few more chicks instead. PayPal to [email protected]

It is very hard to post pics with a phone....please visit Our site for more pics.
I thought I already posted a reply but don't see it! Apologies if this shows up twice!

If I bid could I please have a selection from only the following list?

Golden lace wyandottes
Blue black splash orpingtons....sq.
Crele orpington project chicks.....at least 2
LF Blue black.splash Cochin. ...show quality lines
Black.copper marans
Coronation split Brahma

I don't want any bantams, RIR, Barred Rock, Buff Brahma (have them), or ducks please.

What are Coronation split Brahma??? Can't find any reference to them online anywhere!

Trish in Hillsborough, NC
I can if I have enough with omitting the others..as of right now...it will still have to be a mix of these breeds. ...that is why I am offering it at a discount price.these are extras that I set. I will try though! I can omit the ducks though and try to get mostly what the winner wants.coronation split Brahma are a project we are working on...if you get thee chicks...when you breed them together You may hatch coronation...but in the form of a Brahma...we have enough to further our project...so we can't keep them all!!! Thanks

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