26 week old Barred Rock and still...nothin'.


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Alright so she was 26 weeks on Monday and still...no eggs. The other two of the bunch have been laying since the end of September. What is going on?! Seriously, at what point do I write her off as a laying hen? Does this happen? Do some hens just NEVER lay eggs for whatever reason? Or, what's the latest you've ever heard of this breed, or something similar, start laying? I posted pics of her a few weeks back to show the comparison between her and the other two, comb wise and such. HELP!
I'm still new to this and am sure someone with far more experience will post. I have 2 who are 24 weeks old and haven't laid. Not worried about it, though. The days are getting shorter, so less light. Mine might still lay or they might wait until next Spring. I don't plan on adding extra light to make them lay. I figure they will when they're ready. That doesn't mean they'll never lay. it's just the days getting shorter.
Must be in the air my RIR's arent laying and I got them in may my leg horns are and my barred rocks are just getting cozy in the boxes right at this time and they are 5 and 1/2 mos old so it must just take time.
Hmmm, well that's interesting. I guess we'll just wait and see. It's frustrating cause she's a snuggle chicken if you can get your hands on her.
The other two I can catch no problem because of the squat. Her full name is Oven Roasted Chicken~Rosy for short, but I refuse to let my husband let her live up to her name.
So I guess, she'll lay when she lays.

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