26 week old flock and no eggs? Is something wrong?

Very nice! I have gotten into the habit of sizing all my eggs by gram weight. (Must be the detailed orientation of my brain). The pullet eggs are in the mid 40's when first laid, and seem to steadily increase. One of my ISAs are laying Jumbo eggs (71 gr. +), one extra large (64-70 gm), and large (57-63 gm). Hope to hear of more of your girls laying!
Very nice! I have gotten into the habit of sizing all my eggs by gram weight. (Must be the detailed orientation of my brain). The pullet eggs are in the mid 40's when first laid, and seem to steadily increase. One of my ISAs are laying Jumbo eggs (71 gr. +), one extra large (64-70 gm), and large (57-63 gm). Hope to hear of more of your girls laying!
Ohh boy I like that idea of weighing the eggs! Thanks for the idea. I just weighed my barred rocks first two eggs. Egg #1 weighed 60 grams and egg #2 came in at 64 g. I thought they were big for her first eggs.


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Wowza! You may end up with jumbo eggs before long. Worth the wait? Just a side note. I am a baker, and when using eggs of different sizes, I just weigh the eggs(no shells) at 50 gm. for each large eggs called for the in the recipe. That way I can use up all my pullet eggs.
Wowza! You may end up with jumbo eggs before long. Worth the wait? Just a side note. I am a baker, and when using eggs of different sizes, I just weigh the eggs(no shells) at 50 gm. for each large eggs called for the in the recipe. That way I can use up all my pullet eggs.
I need to get a gram scale. I go the liquid measurement route. One large egg is 1/4 cup. It takes 2 eggs from my Speckled Sussex to make a 1/4 cup. They are cute little things, but they look pretty silly in a carton next to L-XL eggs. I keep theirs for myself, along with any that are too big to fit in a carton. The rest I sell.

I'm curious how much some of the monsters I get from my Sapphire Gems weigh. They are young and I hope they figure it out soon. Double yolks are cool. Prolapsed vents aren't. Every time I find a big 'un, I do a vent check. Dang eggs are almost a 1/2 cup.
1/2 cup? That would be over 100 gms, including the shell. Man, those are monsters! Had one double yolk egg, weighed 86 gms. Poor girl's vent. I'll check the vent next time. Thanks for the heads up.
Wowza! You may end up with jumbo eggs before long. Worth the wait? Just a side note. I am a baker, and when using eggs of different sizes, I just weigh the eggs(no shells) at 50 gm. for each large eggs called for the in the recipe. That way I can use up all my pullet eggs.
It was worth the wait! That’s also great advice for baking. I think my polish will lay smaller eggs so that’ll be a good way to use them and the future pullet eggs.
1/2 cup? That would be over 100 gms, including the shell. Man, those are monsters! Had one double yolk egg, weighed 86 gms. Poor girl's vent. I'll check the vent next time. Thanks for the heads up.
It was just shy of 1/2 cup. I couldn't believe something like that came out of a chicken. She's had 4 monsters so far. Luckily nothing in the last couple weeks, so I'm hoping it has stopped. They are too fat to fit in a carton, and if they did, they'd be too tall for the carton to close.
I had another exciting day! Two new eggs. I think the middle one might be from my welsummer and the one on the left my speckled Sussex or white crested polish. The egg on the right is the barred rock. They are 34 weeks old now.


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I love reading about all the XL and jumbo eggs. I would to see more pictures.

Since you like large eggs... Check out this giant. The brown egg is a normal chicken egg from my RIR. The smaller white egg is a normal duck egg from one of my my Pekin ducks.

And then.... The monster egg! I swear it looks like a goose egg or something. Poor duck. I bet that hurt.... 😂



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