3 Broody Khaki Campbells Sharing Nest


10 Years
May 2, 2014
Everything I've read about khaki campbells indicated that they don't frequently go broody or hatch ducklings. Imagine my surprise when, not only did one of my khaki hens decide to sit on a nest, but somehow convinced 2 others to join her on the same nest! To start, she had 8 eggs in her clutch, and was the only one sitting. At 1 week, I candled them, and tossed one dud. A few days ago, after one of the other hens joined her in sitting all day, they really amped up their nest game, gathering all of the bedding from the other nesting boxes as well as some of their down, during which time, one of the eggs seemed to just disappear. (I had one I was on the fence about when I candled them, so I assume it was smashed and/or discarded somewhere in the bedding.) Since then, another hen as started sitting with them! We're now on Day 15, and have 6 viable eggs being heavily guarded by 3 potential moms.

My question is, how will this play out when the eggs hatch? One of the 3 hens will leave the coop/nest with some prodding, but the other two I can't get off at all. They huff and puff and try to attack my hands when I even come close to them. I have already begun keeping the drakes and other hens separate from the nesting ones. (I noticed the drakes had really plucked their heads/necks bare recently, presumably from relentlessly pestering them while they were sitting on the nest and they were all closed in overnights.) Should I attempt to separate the nesting hens as we approach the hatching date? Would it be better to just take away all access to the nesting hens except for one, or should I try to separate the eggs into 2 nests in the hopes that both of the most fervent broody hens will hatch and raise their own brood? I'm really stumped, as I was surprised enough when one wanted to set, and never imagined that I'd end of with multiple broody hens on the same nest! (Neither of the 3 are laying eggs at all now, just setting on the same six eggs.)

What do I do!?
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These are the two who won't leave the nest for anything! Third ran off when I opened the nest box.
Only worry with having 3 females sitting on a clutch of eggs is ducklings getting stepped on. My inclination would be to let the one who started this finish it.
From my experience with Muscovy since my Runners and Buffs have never gone broody, is that broodiness is contagious. saying that because I have 3 that are broody right now and it was one right after the other. And these girls aren't even sitting on eggs. :rolleyes:
Only worry with having 3 females sitting on a clutch of eggs is ducklings getting stepped on. My inclination would be to let the one who started this finish it.
From my experience with Muscovy since my Runners and Buffs have never gone broody, is that broodiness is contagious. saying that because I have 3 that are broody right now and it was one right after the other. And these girls aren't even sitting on eggs. :rolleyes:
try getting some plastic easter eggs for them to sit on. That may take their interest away from the actual eggs that you are trying to hatch with the original mom. You will have to make sure that the actual mom does not steal the easter eggs thinking they are hers.

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