3 day old chick, scratching its head off, HELP, (BLOODY PIC!!!)


11 Years
Jul 13, 2009
Live Oak, FL
1 of the 3 day old lt brahma chicks has started scratching at its head, both sides.
has food & water at all times. On paper towels.
Anyone have a suggestion on what it could be! I've looked it over, no mite

On both sides of head

We received 7 (day old) chicks 3wks ago. We have them in a stock tank in the house with fresh pine shavings. I don't know the breeds for sure yet. They were a batch of brown egg layers. The chick I am to describe is black with some white. It may be a barred rock. They were all fine the first 24 hours or so. The 2nd or 3rd day one of the chicks began the head scratching on both sides of the head. It would frantically scratch then fall over on its back and look like it was shaking/seizuring for several seconds. It would get up and run under the heater. There were times it was still, but quite frequently it would resort to scratching. I called MPC where the chicks came from and they hadn't a clue. I saw these postings, but no clear solutions. Luckily the skin was not broken. There was nothing visibly wrong to address. One thought I had was that it got dust, food, or water in its nostrils and was trying to eject it. Or maybe a seizure. These chicks did not have the Marek's vaccine.

We just observed and pampered it making sure the other chicks didn't attack it when it was on its back. After the 5th day, the scratching just stopped. The chicks are 3 weeks old now and all seem fine.

I don't have a remedy to offer, just hope that it may be a temporary ailment or sensitivity that is not fatal. The MPC representative shared a personal story she had with a day old chick she had. It was fine when she picked it up but when she brought it home all it could do was walk backwards.?? This went on for hours maybe a day or so, then it just figured it out and walked normal again. Her point was that sometimes there are just quirky things that work themselves out.

Just trying to offer hope.
has red light, with 15 chicks, only 1 that is doing this.
I'm holding it to keep it from scratghing.
bathed & drird it. very little damage.

I too would guess inner-ear problem - maybe an ear infection? -

If you have/can call a vet I'd try to get a dosage for antibiotics

Poor little thing x( hope you find the answer.
I've had at least two cases where it was necessary to isolate a chick for a few days. They survived and eventually went back with their buds. Yours will to I expect.

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