3 day old chick, scratching its head off, HELP, (BLOODY PIC!!!)


11 Years
Jul 13, 2009
Live Oak, FL
1 of the 3 day old lt brahma chicks has started scratching at its head, both sides.
has food & water at all times. On paper towels.
Anyone have a suggestion on what it could be! I've looked it over, no mite

On both sides of head

has red light, with 15 chicks, only 1 that is doing this.
I'm holding it to keep it from scratghing.
bathed & drird it. very little damage.

I too would guess inner-ear problem - maybe an ear infection? -

If you have/can call a vet I'd try to get a dosage for antibiotics

Poor little thing x( hope you find the answer.
I've had at least two cases where it was necessary to isolate a chick for a few days. They survived and eventually went back with their buds. Yours will to I expect.
I've been reading this forum for a while now and this is one of the craziest things I've ever read. Poor little thing was tearing it's skin all to pieces and all because it never started drinking? Sign of dehydratation? Please keep us posted on this. Very interesting and we all can learn and pass on the knowledge when someone else's chick acts the same way.


Happy New Year Everyone!

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