3 days late but still alive - what to do / expect???


9 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Hello - I have a clutch of 8 eggs incubating in a Brinsea that are three days past their due date. There was a power outage a while back and the eggs cooled off in the second week for about a day, but the embryos survived and I expected they'd be late - but not THIS late!

I candled the eggs tonight and the chicks are alive and moving in their eggs. But when will they hatch?! No pips. Only thing I can see is that some of the air sacs seem rather large.

Is there anything I can / should do to encourage the chicks to hatch? This is super weird!

Thanks all!
Congrats on the chicks!

Cooled eggs do go into a state of dormancy, and sometimes they are a few days late, so there is no need to worry.
Leave the eggs alone, since opening the incubator can allow them to dry out to much, which can lead to the large air sac. The large air-sac also means they are going to hatch soon!

Best of luck!

(Pipping egg)
Day 26!!!!

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