3 Dead In Last 2 Days, Anyone Heard Of This Preventative Method?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
I have lost 3 of my flock in the last 2 days. I have 200 here in Ecuador.

A Vet here has told me it was a virus and he gave me antibiotics to put in the water.

He also said to pulverize up garlic and onion and put in the water as a preventative method against colds and viruses.

Has anyone heard of this before?

Thank you.
You know, I have heard of that before. Not sure how effective it really is though. Alot of people who want to be organic do that type of thing. Remember not to eat your eggs since they're on meds. They will taste awful anyhow due to the onions and garlic.....

Good luck and I hope your birds are better soon!


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