3 feet tall rooster breed?


7 Years
Sep 13, 2012
I was told about a breed of chicken that has roosters that grow to more than 3 feet tall. I have searched and searched, but cannot find anything but a saipan, which is stated to grow 2-3 feet tall. Anyone have any ideas or know of any place where I can obtain any of these tall chickens? From what i read about the Saipan, I don't believe that it is the one that I am looking for.
The only breeds I know of that is very tall are the Malay chicken, the Shamu chicken (O-shamu, Ko-shamu etc) and also a chicken breed called Ga Noi but I don't know if it get as tall as the other two!!
I don't believe that the name I was given was Saipan or Jungle Fowl. Jungle Fowl are quite a bit smaller than saipans, as well.
As an added note: Does anyone in the Northeast Mississippi/Northwest Alabama/Central Tennessee area have any of these or the Saipan for sale? I am interested in obtaining some, but do not really care to buy from anyone who fights them. (I don't want "fightin' birds). I realize that they are "Gamey", but I don't want to buy a bird that has been fought.
There is a breed called a Saipan and it is sometimes called a Saipan Jungle Fowl.

Yeah, I getcha, but having lived in the PI for 3.5 years, I've seen a few of the breeds at fights. I read that a Saipan is often "called" a Jungle Fowl, but is about 3-4 times the size of a true Jungle. Can't be the same bird, ihmo. I asked the old guy if he was referring to a Saipan and he said he wasn't. He didn't remember what they called them, tho. He was an old chicken fighter, and told me that these birds were very tall, and very regal. They are, supposedly, rather docile with humans, and like to be pets and petted, but won't really tolerate another Roo. I can handle keeping them away from each other (the Roos), but I don't want them attacking my 4 yr-old Grandson. The pictures that he showed me were of the Saipan/Jungle Fowl coloration (BBRed-ish), but were heavier bodied than the pictures that I see of Saipans.

Having said all of that and not being able to find the elusive 3 foot bird, I am interested in finding some Saipans as they are rather cool-looking, anyway. Anyone have any idea where some actual Saipans can be found? All I can see on all of the hatchery sites are mutt versions and are, admittedly so, as well as not claiming to reach the 3-3.5 feet tall mark. Any help is appreciated.

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