3 golden comets not laying yet


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 10, 2009
I have three golden comet pullets in a big pen with 2 easter-egger hens. The goldens are about 26 weeks now and there have been absolutely no eggs from them. Since this breed seems to mature early, it seems like they should have been laying a long time ago. They don't free range because we have too many predators (last year we lost three in a couple of months so got these three this spring to replace them) but they do have a very roomy pen and a spacious coop with two nest boxes. For some reason, they prefer to roost on on the high roost in the pen at night and not in the coop but they seem to get along just fine with the other two girls and will not hesitate to go into the coop for food and water during the day.

Anyone have any ideas? Are these girls just really late?

I'm definatly NOT a veteran (still waiting for my first egg from my pullets in fact:) but I do have 1 gold comet who is approaching 20 weeks next week and she doesn't appear to be anywhere near laying if her comb is an indicator. That said, 26 weeks seems kind of late - I too heard that they are supposed to lay early - like as early as 16 weeks? But, like I said, mine is almost 20 weeks and is not acting ready at all. Maybe someone with more experience will chime in, I'm curious too:)
I am no expert either, but, was at feed store yesterday, and we all got our birds together as one large group order on April 28th or 29th. There was a gentleman with 25 golden comets, now past 20 weeks or so and none of his were giving up eggs yet. He was quite disgruntled. I got 25 EE pullets (3 ended up be boys though) and part of them have been laying for 3 weeks. He was really frustrated, but he said they are healthy and happy, just not laying. We got ours from Mt. Healthy in Ohio.
I have had red sex links twice and they started laying about 24 weeks. I have read about 16 weeks but I never have had one start that young. Yours should start soon.

here is one of my 2 girls, both laying....she is now 26 weeks, they started 2 weeks ago....check for hidden nests....
I am on my second flock of golden comets,Mine started laying around 22 weeks,some can lay later or earlier,26 weeks does seem a bit long but some take a while longer,From the looks of the bright red comb they should be laying anytime,Have they started the egg squat?I have 16 and some of them never did start to squat,,What kind of feed do you have them on and what did you start them on as chicks?
Our two Golden Comet/Cinnamon Queen hens are just coming into their 20th week. No eggs yet. They free range all day but come back to the coop to eat and drink their feed and water which is outside/under the coop. Will the hens stay inside to lay before coming out for the day or go back inside to lay after they have been out? Do they ever lay outside and is that what you mean by hidden nests?
We have two Golden Comets. One started laying at 18 1/2 weeks, but she was always the biggest and fastest growing of our chicks. The other one started just a week ago at 24 weeks exactly. Her eggs have been larger and more perfect, so I think it is an advantage for them to be older and more mature. But I know the waiting is hard. Fingers crossed for you!
Our two Golden Comet/Cinnamon Queen hens are just coming into their 20th week. No eggs yet. They free range all day but come back to the coop to eat and drink their feed and water which is outside/under the coop. Will the hens stay inside to lay before coming out for the day or go back inside to lay after they have been out? Do they ever lay outside and is that what you mean by hidden nests?

I had issues with hidden nests...I kept the girls on lock down in the coop/run till about noon every day for about 3 days, I had to do this twice...now they go back inside the coop to the nesting boxes to lay, then off for the day to free range. All 12 of mine lay at different times of the day...a few lay early, a couple lay late in the day...I go check for eggs on and off all day...mainly because I don't want any broken eggs for them to start eating, since they all use the same 2 boxes on and off through out the day.

** you may have a week or two to wait, how red are the combs and wattles, that is a good way to tell how close they are to laying.
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