3 hens with the same urge


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 26, 2009
Hi everyone, I had the enjoyment as well as a bit of puzzlement this Saturday when I looked and didn't see any of my 3 RIR hens in the yard. I ran to the coop to find all of them trying to settle in 1 nest. They all 3 were trying to squeeze themselves into the corner of the coop where they like to lay. I couldn't help but watch as they vied for position. What was so amazing was watching them lay their eggs and move the eggs to the center of the nest, one layed her egg and waited until the other 2 layed theirs and they all went back outside together. Talke about bonding or what????? This may be a normal occurance but I've never had chickens do that before. Just wanted to share and see if anyone else can tell me if this is normal or a bit strange even for chickens.

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