3 m/o pullet off balance- what could be wrong?


Apr 27, 2016
I bought 10 day old maran chicks 3 months ago and all have been fine until yesterday. My favorite one (of course) is strangely off balance and can't even walk up the coop stairs without stumbling backwards. She walks with a strange exaggerated step, falls sideways when laying down, and splays her legs to stay upright. She is eating regularly, but seems aloof socially. (She's kindof hanging behind the others and staying near the coop). No runny nose or sneezing. What could be wrong with her? And should I quarantine her from the rest?

My ten pullets are a completely closed flock so there is no chance she could have been infected from another chicken. These are all I have.

Thanks in advance!

Hi there,
Sadly, my first thought is Mareks disease - were they vaccinated against it? If it is Mareks I see little point in separating her since they have all been together and Mareks may strike one chick and not another.
I hope that I'm wrong, but check out the Mareks info in the Learning Center.
Please keep us posted,
Thank you for your thoughts :( They were not vaccinated to my knowledge. I have done little research on the disease. I hope it will not wipe them all out. But I suppose there is not much I can do to prevent it at this point.
Thank you for your thoughts
They were not vaccinated to my knowledge. I have done little research on the disease. I hope it will not wipe them all out. But I suppose there is not much I can do to prevent it at this point.

It's so variable with Mareks that you just don't know. Some birds seem to have a natural resistance to it. In fact, even if they are vaccinated, they are not 100% safe. The vaccine is a 'leaky' vaccine, meaning it can confer immunity in most but not all birds, so don't feel bad about it. Many breeders breed for natural immunity rather than vaccinate.
She may recover so keep your fingers crossed for her, make sure she has plenty of good quality feed and water.
Did your chick recover? Was it Marek's? I had a chick euthanized at 10 weeks
old and she was found positive for Marek's. I am afraid her two sisters will
be at risk. The vet seems to think my older ones should be ok and I will
have to wait and see about the babies. All of mine WERE vaccinated, so
it just shows not even that is a guarantee.

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