~3 month old pullet with bad splayed leg. How do I fix it without putting her in major pain?


May 15, 2024
Had her for about a month, Orpington pullet. I believe she is about 3 months old.
Been walking oddly recently, went to check on her and found her limping badly and favoring her left leg.
I first started noticing this 2 days ago, but from the bad look of it it’s been around for about a week.
No other chicks showing it, only her.
No evidence of injury apart from the limping. The tendon I believe is slipped (leading to the splayed leg) but the method of stretching the leg hasn’t worked and she is in pain every time we touch anywhere near the hock or the lower leg. Not sure if trying to push it back is a good idea.
Never had a chicken with a splayed leg, so I’m not too sure how to deal with this.
She’s been eating and drinking fine, but has had problems moving from feeder to waterer and general movement.
I can’t go to a vet atm, need to treat at home.
Their coop is raised above the ground, but I’ve been manually bringing her down and up since I noticed to lessen the strain on her leg.

(Sorry for the odd formatting, never posted here before)

Her legs have been normal since hatch or has she had some difficulties and it's getting worse?

To me, it looks like leg bone deformity which can become worse as the bird grows and gets heavier. There's really no treatment/correction for the leg deformities. Info below on those.

IF it's injury and you think the tendon is slipped, you should be able to feel it out of place. The joint would likely be very swollen and possibly inflamed. Slipped tendon is usually seen in young birds at hatch or within a week or so.
IF the tendon is slipped, possible you may be able to correct it with splinting, even in young chicks it can be hard to treat.



Did you figure out a fix? We have a chick that's a few months old who has a very similar looking leg, and I'm hoping to find a way to help her out. She's eating and growing well, but she's obviously in distress any time she tries to move around much.

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