3 month old white frizzle - rooster?


Jun 14, 2015
Need some help with this one! I have a 3 month old white frizzle who is definitely mixed with silkie too - she has the 5 toes on her feet. I use "she" lightly because "she" may be a rooster! Here's her history:

I got her and 5 true silkies from a local breeder, but she said she got them from another friend of hers and that the frizzle silkie mix she wasn't sure about the breed. She said they were all the same age but the frizzle was always much bigger than the others from day 1, so I was skeptical.

The frizzle has grown at a similar rate to the other hens and has remained significantly bigger. She started to get some very tall feathers on her head and her face/comb area got very dark pink.

Recently she has started to become a bit aggressive - standing on pieces of wood and perching on things above the other hens. She has started to pick on the smallest hen who seems to be a runt (growing much slower than the rest). This morning I think I heard her crow - she made a very loud sound as she was standing on a stump above the rest of the hens but as soon as I popped around the corner to see who had made the sound she got quiet.

What do you think - do I have a rooster on my hands? Or just an aggressive hen? I can't really tell from the look of her but here is a picture:

Thanks for your help!
Wow what a stunning looking bird. It has the look of a cockerel, the way it stands and red comb. Think he's a boy
Yep, that bird looks all boy to me. I have a Sizzle that looks very similar, minus the red comb and wattles, that I suspect is a pullet. If you breed that bird to your Silkie hens, you'll get frizzled Sizzles (like your picture), smooth Sizzles, Frilkies (frizzled Silkies) and regular Silkies. I've been working on Sizzles for a while, theyre a ton of fun. Theres a Sizzle thread here on BYC, you should check it out :)
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So you can compare, here's (one of) mine


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